Hi Vince!
Please see the Wharton information below, as well as Jeff's comments.
Do you want to be the Judge?
Please let me know ASAP.
----- Forwarded by Christie Patrick/HOU/ECT on 03/19/2001 01:53 PM -----
Jeffrey A Shankman/ENRON@enronXgate
03/19/2001 11:18 AM
To: Christie Patrick/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: RE: Wharton Business Plan Competition
I'll be in New York that week. Ask Vince.
-----Original Message-----
From: Patrick, Christie
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2001 9:43 AM
To: Shankman, Jeffrey A.
Subject: FW: Wharton Business Plan Competition
Importance: High
Please see Wharton Business Plan information below.
Do you want to be the judge?
----- Forwarded by Christie Patrick/HOU/ECT on 03/19/2001 09:40 AM -----
"Stamer, Anne" <stamer@wharton.upenn.edu< 03/19/2001 08:42 AM To:
Christie.Patrick@enron.com'" <
Christie.Patrick@enron.com< cc: Subject:
FW: Wharton Business Plan Competition
Hi Christie:
I hope this email finds you well. The Wharton Business Plan Competition is
going really well.
We would really like to Enron participate. Is someone from your company
available to be a be a judge for our Phase III? Attached is some
-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Gaffney [mailto:gaffneya@wharton.upenn.edu]
Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2001 9:47 AM
Christie.Patrick@enron.comCc: Stamer, Anne
Subject: Wharton Business Plan Competition
Dear Ms. Patrick,
Anne Stamer asked me to contact you regarding Enron providing a judge for
Phase III of the Business Plan Competition. Phase III judges are generally
Partner-level individuals at venture capital firms, Managing Directors from
investment banks, or other senior individuals who have extensive experience
assessing and working with early stage ventures. A Phase III judge will
receive five business plans, with the entire judging process requiring 4-5
hours during the weeks of April 2 and April 9. I am attaching a document
that describes the competition and judging procedures for Phase III in more
detail. We are looking to finalize the list of Phase III judges by March
23, so if you could please forward either Anne or I the name of the
appropriate individual, we can contact them directly with more details.
Please let me know if you have further questions and we appreciate your
support of the Competition.
Andrew Gaffney
- Phase III Judge Info 00-01.doc << File: Phase III Judge Info 00-01.doc <<