Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Lacima Energy and Weather Derivatives Courses by Clewlow and
Date:Tue, 12 Dec 2000 08:25:00 -0800 (PST)

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---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 12/12/2000
04:26 PM ---------------------------

Vince J Kaminski
12/12/2000 02:34 PM
To: "Julie" <julie@lacima.co.uk< @ ENRON
cc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: Lacima Energy and Weather Derivatives Courses by Clewlow and


A few issues.

1. I would like to register 2 members of my group for both courses (in

a. Paulo Issler
b. Alex Huang

I shall attend the course on weather only.

2. I have started the process to issue a check for 5,000 AUD for Lacima.
Shirley sent you an update on this. The 2nd installment comes from the budget
of our
office in Australia. I shall talk to Paul Quilkey today about it. Please, let
me know if there is any delay.

3. The book will be used as textbook for the class I shall be teaching at
Rice Univ bookshop is placing an order.

4. I would like to order 50 copies for my group. What is the ebst
way to place the order? Can we pay in US dollars?


"Julie" <julie@lacima.co.uk< on 11/12/2000 02:05:40 PM
To: <Undisclosed-Recipient:@mailman.enron.com;<
Subject: Lacima Energy and Weather Derivatives Courses by Clewlow and

Please find attached information?for our next two courses and workshops:?
Energy Derivatives:? Pricing and Risk Management and
Weather Derivatives, which will be conducted in Houston and in London in Feb
/ March 2001.? Instructors will be Dr Les Clewlow and Dr Chris Strickland.
Because the course requires intense interaction, the courses will be?limited
to a maximum of 15 people, so early registration is encouraged.
If you require further information, or would like to register for either or
both?courses, please contact me via this email or our web site,?www.
- Energy.pdf
- weather.pdf