Enron Mail

Subject:Re: TFF2001 Meeting Date Question
Date:Wed, 23 Aug 2000 11:04:00 -0700 (PDT)


I certainly understand. However, we are going to try to move the date up a
week or two to make sure there are no conflicts for anyone. We've had some
trouble getting our hotel date even this far in advance. I'll be back in
touch when we get it ironed out.


At 05:42 PM 8/23/00 -0500, you wrote:
<Easter may not work for me because I shall most likely
<be visiting my son who goes to school in California (we were spending
<Easter together for the last three years).
<"John D. Martin" <J_Martin@baylor.edu< on 08/21/2000 01:42:14 PM
<To: aagrawal@cba.ua.edu, Andres Almazan <Andres.Almazan@bus.utexas.edu<,
< bethel@babson.edu, Murat Binay <mbinay@mail.utexas.edu<,
< abutler@finance.bus.lsu.edu, Tyrone.Callahan@bus.utexas.edu, Murray
< Carlson <carlsonm@mail.utexas.edu<, chapman@eco.utexas.edu, Kent
< Daniel <kent@kent.kellogg.nwu.edu<, fdiebold@stern.nyu.edu,
< lederington@ou.edu, Harper1@U.Washington.edu, sgillan@tiaa-cref.org,
< Stuart Gillan <sgillan@tiaa-cref.org<, Denis Gromb <dgromb@MIT.EDU<,
< grullon@rice.edu, jarradh@oregon.uoregon.edu, jhartzel@stern.nyu.edu,
< Jhund@mail.utexas.edu, daveike@rice.edu, jegadees@uiuc.edu,
< Cindy.Justice@enron.com, Matthias Kahl
< <matthias.kahl@anderson.ucla.edu<, Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com,
< zkhokher@mail.utexas.edu, alynch@debit.stern.nyu.edu, Andras Marosi
< <Andras.Marosi@bus.utexas.edu<, "John D. Martin"
< <J_Martin@baylor.edu<, Maxwell@ba.ttu.edu, Beth Miertschin
< <Beth.Miertschin@enron.com<, metrick@Wharton.upenn.edu, "Thomas H.
< Noe" <tnoe@mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu<, Parrino@mail.utexas.edu, Bill
< Petty <Bill_Petty@baylor.edu<, manju puri <mpuri@Stanford.EDU<,
< Ramnath@rice.edu, rampini@nwu.edu, steve_rich@baylor.edu,
< eronn@mail.utexas.edu (Ehud I. Ronn), Kemal Saatcioglu
< <KemalS@mail.utexas.edu<, Akin Sayrak <asayrak@katz.pitt.edu<,
< sirri@babson.edu, Laura Starks <lstarks@mail.utexas.edu<,
< suarez@cemfi.es, "A. Subrahmanyam" <asubrahm@anderson.ucla.edu<,
< Stice@mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu, Titman@mail.utexas.edu,
< stathis.tompaidis@bus.utexas.edu, wangfa@rice.edu,
< hong.yan@bus.utexas.edu, Beth Miertschin <Beth.Miertschin@enron.com<,
< gwillard@MIT.EDU
<Subject: TFF2001 Meeting Date Question
<Hello from Texas,
<We are trying to set up our meeting date for the 2001 conference and have
<run into a snag. We cannot get our San Antonio hotel on the first weekend
<in April (as last year). However, we can get the hotel and make all our
<"fun" arrangements for the second weekend in April. However, this is
<Easter weekend. The good news is that the room rates are substantially
<lower because it's a holiday. However, we are concerned that holding the
<meeting on this particular Friday-Saturday will interfere with family plans
<such that some or many of you may not be able to attend.
<My related question to you is this:
<Does holding the meeting on the second weekend in April (Easter weekend)
<pose a problem for you? Please give us your thoughts ASAP even if you
<think you may not be able to attend this year's conference. We need your
<opinion to guide our decision.
<Thanks and I hope to see you all again next April (sometime)!
<p.s. We are very fortunate to have Enron return as our corporate sponsor
<again this year.
<John D. Martin
<Carr P. Collins Chair in Finance
<Finance Department
<Baylor University
<PO Box 98004
<Waco, TX 76798
<254-710-4473 (Office)
<254-710-1092 (Fax)
<web: http://hsb.baylor.edu/html/martinj/home.html
John D. Martin
Carr P. Collins Chair in Finance
Finance Department
Baylor University
PO Box 98004
Waco, TX 76798
254-710-4473 (Office)
254-710-1092 (Fax)
web: http://hsb.baylor.edu/html/martinj/home.html