Enron Mail

Subject:Reminder: All-Employee Meeting
Date:Wed, 23 Feb 2000 10:37:00 -0800 (PST)

This is a reminder to join Ken Lay, Jeff Skilling and Joe Sutton for an
all-employee meeting hosted in the London office on Monday, Feb. 28, 2000.
The meeting will begin at 4 p.m. London time (10 a.m. Houston time). Ken,
Jeff and Joe will discuss Enron's year-end financial and operating results
and the company's outlook for 2000 and beyond.

Using Enron Broadband Services' video streaming capabilities, the meeting
will be streamed live to the desktop for employees in Houston, Omaha,
Portland, Calgary, New York, Stockholm, Amsterdam and Frankfurt. To view the
meeting, you must have IP-TV and a sound card installed on your computer. If
you are not able to view the meeting live using IP-TV, a videotape will be
available after the meeting. U.K. and European employees may contact Mary
Gopalan for a copy of the video. U.S. and other international employees may
contact Mary Clark by email to reserve a copy.

If you plan to watch the meeting using IP-TV, you can test your IP-TV prior
to the meeting using the instructions below. If you experience technical
difficulties, please contact your PC Help Desk.

Following are instructions for launching IP-TV by company LAN and/or location:

EI employees in Three Allen Center -
Start Menu....Programs...General Information...IPTV Icon

EES and Omaha employees -
Start Menu....Programs...Cisco IPTV Viewer...IPTV Icon

ENA Houston, Corp Houston, New York, Calgary and Portland (does not include
EBS and PGE in Portland)
Start Menu...Programs....IPTV Viewer Icon

London -
Menu option: START...Programs...Utilities...IPTV viewer/

Frankfurt/Stockholm/Amsterdam -
Start Menu...Programs...Cisco IPTV Viewer...Cisco IPTV Viewer

For the first time, the question and answer session will be open to all
employees worldwide using eSpeak. You can submit your questions in advance
on the eSpeak web site at ethink.enron.com or during the meeting from 4 to 6
p.m. London time (10 a.m. to noon Houston time). Ken, Jeff and Joe will
attempt to answer as many questions as possible in the time available. All
eSpeak questions and those submitted by London employees during the meeting
will be included in an eSpeak transcript following the meeting.

Mark your calendar for this global employee communications event. See you