Enron Mail

To:vince.kaminski@enron.com, john.lavorato@enron.com
Subject:Request for Training Session
Date:Thu, 5 Oct 2000 13:10:00 -0700 (PDT)


I am a Vice President with Enron, and have been with the company some 6 years
now. I was hired through Enron Associate pool, and started off by marketing
power on the East Coast with Jim Fallon. Currently I am working in the India
Region, looking into different ways to develop merchant type activities in
India, anticipating the start of trading activities some time in the future.
One of my challenges is to make the team in India aware of the type of
sophisticated operations and processes that we have in place for trading
activities, as well as the range of products we have to offer.

I have been in conversation with Mike McConnell and Jeff Shankman on the
Global Products side, and are planning a session to acquaint the team in
India with activities in that group. Similarly, on the power side, we have
been interacting with John Sherriff's team in London.

I feel that it will be very beneficial for some of the team members to get
acquainted with the processes on the power trading side in Houston, and to
get an idea of the RAC process, the Research side, the Back-offices, as well
as the trading operations here. Similarly, the team there could present to
you the state of the market in India, and give you an idea of the type of
opportunities there. I am therefore eliciting your support to put together a
session in Houston where they can be acquainted with these functions, as well
as the people responsible for them in the US. There are three people in the
group who would benefit from this exposure. One of them is from the
Associate pool, while the other two are people hired locally in India.

I have already spoken with our COO, Wade Cline in this regard, and seek your
support in putting together an agenda for such a session. Please let me know
who I should contact within your groups to discuss this further.
