---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 09/01/2000
04:13 PM ---------------------------
GemanIX@aol.com on 09/01/2000 03:49:56 PM
Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com Subject: Software license
Dear Ms.Feldman,
Please receive all my apologies for not having
answered earlier your 2 emails,but I was in the
States for 6 weeks and could not access my
Dauphine email.In any case,the time was
fruitfully used by my associates and myself to
improve the "robustness" of the product,from
a computer and mathematical standpoint.
Regarding your 3 points
1.We agree on the price of 90,000 USD
2.D-G will provide system support:we can do so
by emailing anther version of the software,being
available on the phone and by email but we
cannot promise unlimited support of all kinds
without risking bankruptcy right away.
Moreover,the $ 90,000 may be paid in 3 fractions
and your risk would be quite minimal
3.Regarding the escrow,we have been using so
far a small law firm with 5 partners(none of my
family) in Amherst:Hart,Reed,Brown,Golowich
and Kaplan.But we are not closed to anther
solution you would strongly prefer.
Best regards
Helyette Geman,PhD,PhD
D-G Energy Systems