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---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/31/2001=
=20 03:44 PM --------------------------- "Andreas Simou" <andreas.simou@garp.com< on 01/30/2001 08:24:38 AM To: <Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com< cc: <Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com<=20 Subject: The GARP Convention: Instructions to Chair Dear Vince ? The GARP 2001 Convention is nearly upon us! At this time, I would like to= =20 send you some information concerning the Convention and the stream that yo= u=20 will be Chairing on Tuesday 13th February. ? When you arrive at the Convention, please make your way to the Convention= =20 Registration desk, where I will greet you and register you for the event. = I=20 will then show you to your conference room. As speakers arrive, I will=20 introduce them to you.=20 ? As Chair, you will introduce and sum-up?the stream.?You will also introduc= e=20 individual speakers. Attached are the biographies of the speakers that wil= l=20 be presenting during your stream. May I recommend that you read these in t= he=20 meantime and also bring them with you on the day so as you can introduce t= he=20 speakers prior to their presentations. Below is an outline of the order of= =20 speakers in your stream. ? I have allocated 40 minutes per session, with five minutes between session= s=20 for change around time between speakers. Most speakers will speak for 30-3= 5=20 minutes and allow about 10 minutes for Q and A. Should a speaker?seem like= =20 they are reaching the limits of their time, the Chair will bring this=20 to?their attention prior to the last?5 minutes allocated to them.?It is al= so=20 the role of the Chair to?ask the delegates for questions, asking each=20 questioner?for their name and the organisation they represent. Should=20 delegates be a little slow on?the Q and A take-up, often the Chair will ha= ve=20 some thought-provoking questions to put forward. I shall ensure that there= =20 are GARP people in the room with microphones to hand to delegates with a= =20 question. ? There may be occasion for the Chair to?announce some housekeeping on behal= f=20 of GARP. ? If you have any questions?please do not hesitate to contact me, otherwise = I=20 look forward to meeting you in a couple of weeks. ? Kind regards ? Andreas? =20 ?=20 TRACK =01) 4 ENERGY RISK Measuring Energy Risk =01) Tackling Price Volatility, Adapting VaR, Scenar= io=20 Modeling and Regulatory Requirements Vince Kaminski, Enron NA Energy Credit Risk Management Baxter Gillette, Ameren Energy The Volatility Challenge: Efficient Modelling of Price Volatility for Ene= rgy Spyros Maragos, Dynegy Inc. Lunch TRACK =01) 4 CORPORATE RISK Modeling Corporate Risk at Ford =01) Risk Management from a Shareholder Va= lue =20 Perspective Freeman Wood, Ford Motor Company Enhancing Shareholder Value through Alternative Risk Transfer =01) A=20 Manufacturer=01,s Perspective Ash Srivastava, Bombardier Inc. Coffee Break All Bets are On: Enterprise Risk Management 2001 James Lam, Erisk Understanding the Scope of Reputational Risk Events =01) Whether Preventio= n is=20 Possible, Risk Indicators and Establishing a Risk-Conscious Culture Peter Schofield, American Express _____________________________ Andreas Simou GARP, Conference Director Tel? +44 (0)20 7626 9301 Fax +44 (0)20 7626 9900 andreas.simou@garp.com ? Don't miss the GARP 2001 Convention,=20 program details via our web site www.garp.com=20 - Gillette-bio.doc - Wood-bio.doc - Srivastava-Bio.doc - Lam-bio.doc - Schofield-bio.doc