Enron Mail

To:debbie.brackett@enron.com, rudi.zipter@enron.com, wenyao.jia@enron.com,ganapathy.ramesh@enron.com, tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com, vincent.tang@enron.com, xiaojun.mei@enron.com
Subject:The light at the end of tunnel!
Cc:vince.kaminski@enron.com, ted.murphy@enron.com, william.bradford@enron.com,mike.fowler@enron.com, beth.perlman@enron.com, stephen.stock@enron.com, john.powell@enron.com, biral.raja@enron.com
Bcc:vince.kaminski@enron.com, ted.murphy@enron.com, william.bradford@enron.com,mike.fowler@enron.com, beth.perlman@enron.com, stephen.stock@enron.com, john.powell@enron.com, biral.raja@enron.com
Date:Fri, 3 Mar 2000 06:56:00 -0800 (PST)

Hi All,

After all the hard work, we are at time of harvesting! But as we all know
that there still a few more hurdles ahead of us in order to release credit
reserve model at end of March, but on the bright side, Vince Kaminski has
promised us a big feast after we push the product out of door. So let commit
our self to do one last dash to the finish line!

Here I composed a list of task that we need to accomplish for the release,
Let hit the items on the list and get it over with

Continue the comparison test between old and new model Winston
Testing of theoretical deals! finish the comparison between the theoretical
value and model valuation! Tanya T. Winston J.
Making the default probability table a configurable component and runtime
parameter. Winston J., Ramesh G.
Simulation dimension change for different analysis requirement, default path
5000 max and price path 1000 max. Winston
Interface to run the credit reserve in GRMS system ( for now ) Ramesh
Run time option, Applying stress scenario on input curves for any or all
curves (sensitivity analysis) Winston
Runtime option, Curve replacement for any or all curves ( attribution
analysis ) Winston
Validation of different insurance plan Tanya, Winston
Intra-month position validation to see the impact of excluding of
intra-manoth position on credit reserve Vicent Tang, Ramesh
Exchange deals handling( are they using the highest e-rating ? ) Ramesh
Saving credit reserve result, please grant Winston and Xiaojun the privilege
to save the result into production database, Ramesh, Winston, XiaoJun
credit reserve on legal id, based on the data clean up of all spreadsheets (
not scheduled )!
Deployment plan. One credit instance at any time until we get out new
computing server ( probably in April time frame )

This list may be an ever changing list and may also incomplete, please let me
know if I missed anything or any deletions and additions! Please let me know
if anything I can clarify.

