Enron Mail

Subject:"Enron Day" to be declared in Spearman, Texas
Date:Wed, 20 Sep 2000 07:29:00 -0700 (PDT)

Vince, F.Y.I

---------------------- Forwarded by Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT on 09/20/2000
02:28 PM ---------------------------

Stinson Gibner
09/20/2000 02:28 PM
To: Cindy Olson/Corp/Enron@ENRON
Subject: "Enron Day" to be declared in Spearman, Texas


You may or may not remember that I sent a short note to you last May
outlining a fundraising effort for the Hansford County Library in Spearman,
Texas. The community was challenged to raise $20,000 which I offered to
match 2 to 1. With Enron foundations employee match, this grows to a total
mathching ratio of $4 for every $1 raised by the community. (Of course,
because of the $15,000/year limit, I have to spread my gifts over several
years in order to get the total amount matched by Enron.)

Sherry Benton, the librarian in Spearman just called and gave me the great
news that the $20,000 in community donations has been achieved. In fact, I
expect that the total community number will come to almost $25,000 once all
of the donations are received.

In order to recognize our part in all this, the mayor of the town is planning
to declare October 17th as "Stinson Gibner and Enron Day" in Spearman, and
they would like to have some public ceremony to bestow this recognition.
There will be coverage by the local radio station and newspaper and,
possibly, by the Amarillo newspaper as well.

They are asking if a representative from Enron (other than myself) would be
interested in coming to Spearman for this event. Please let me know if you
or anyone else would be interested in doing this. Spearman is about a 90
minute drive north from the airport in Amarillo, and it is possible to get
there and back to Houston on the same day.


Stinson Gibner

P.S. Is there any possibility of getting a one time raise on the $15,000/year
matching cap so that I can have $40,000 matched in just two years instead of

---------------------- Forwarded by Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT on 09/20/2000
02:01 PM ---------------------------

Stinson Gibner
05/05/2000 11:47 AM
To: Cindy Olson/Corp/Enron@ENRON
Subject: Thanks


I just received notification of Enron's match of my $8000 donation to the
Hansford County Library in Spearman, Texas. (All old pipeline hands know
Spearman because both Northern Natural and Transwestern pipelines run near by
the city.)

You may be interested to know what I am trying to accomplish there. The
Library is one of the few independent public libraries in the state of Texas
as it is owned neither by the county nor city. It's budget is met through a
combination of city, county, and private contributions. A big part of their
income comes from the "Thrift Shop," Spearman's version of the Blue Bird
Circle. In order to help the Library continue to provide quality services
to the community (our library in Spearman, population 3000, is by all
accounts much better than the one in nearby Perryton, population 15000), I
am trying to help the library establish an endowment fund. We have set a
goal of raising $100,000 over the next 3 years. With Enron's matching, I am
planning to provide about $80,000 of that amount with the other $20,000
coming from contributions from others in the local community.

I am also investigating if the Library can get any type of matching grant
from other foundations, but it looks like most prefer to fund specific
projects rather than put funds towards endowments. Let me know if you have
any suggestions for us.

