Enron Mail

Date:Tue, 17 Oct 2000 19:59:00 -0700 (PDT)

Dear Dr. Kaminski

My name is Jaesoo Lew and I am referred by Dr. Wayne Lee.

Currently I've been working at Aquila Energy in Kansas City as an pricing
analyst since July 2000. Since then, I have developed a natural gas storage
valuation model applying the swing options (forest method) pricing approach.
The price processes would be considered critical for the storage valuation
since a trinomial forest is required to value storage. Also the c++
programming using Excel DLL has been developed, too.

I attached my resume to this message for your consideration and am looking
forward to talking about an opportunity at Enron.

My home phone number is 913-649-0578, Dr. Kaminski, I will wait your call in
this week as Dr. Lee informed me. If possible, please let me know your
expected calling day through the mail. I appreciate your consideration.

Thank you very much.


Jaesoo Lew
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