Enron Mail

Subject:real options conference
Date:Thu, 18 May 2000 03:25:00 -0700 (PDT)

Please find attached the programs for two back-two-back conferences on real
options at Cambridge University in UK. The two conferences are separate but
complementary events. The first conference, co-sponsored with Andersen
Consulting and Morgan Stanley Dean Witter, on July 5-6, is a professional
conference on Real Options Valuation in the Information Economy:
Internet/High-tech/Telecom, R&D/Pharma, Energy. For info. and online
registration see www.rogroup.com.

The second is the 4th Annual International Conference on Real Options:
Theory Meets Practice (the annual industry event where academics and
practitioners get together to share the latest developments on theory and
applications), co-organized with U. Cambridge on July 7-8. For info. and
online registration see www.realoptions.org

Among the two events, we are pleased to present an extensive array of
practitioner and academic presentations, sharing of experiences by corporate
executives, and panel discussions by experts from leading organizations and
universities. Our keynote speaker this year will be Myron S. Scholes,
co-developer of the Black-Scholes option valuation.

Interested participants must register for the conference (preferably on
line) and indicate hotel preferences (among 5-6 hotels) by June 15

We look forward to seeing you at this exciting event, and would appreciate
if you share this with interested colleagues.
- CamJuly2000profconference.doc
- Conf4program.doc