Enron Mail

To:j.kaminski@enron.com, vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com, martin.lin@enron.com
Subject:FW: INFORMS Presentation
Date:Mon, 12 Nov 2001 12:54:37 -0800 (PST)

About the INFORMS presentation, there were many people showing their interests, including Prof. Suvrajeet Sen from Arizona, Prof. Jussi Keppo from Michigan, and couple of students from U. of Pittsburgh, CMU, and U of Maryland.
Prof. Sen invited me to meet his group there, Prof. Keppo wants to join effort in writing a paper, and a CMU student offer to join work for his Ph.D. requirement. (See their e-mails below).

Those opportunities sound interesting. I think it will be good for the company too because we will have additional people working on the problems that will benefit us. If you have any research problems that you want me to work on please let me know then.

On the other hand, I will not give away our secret. I will consult with you first if I am not sure how secret it is.

Thank you,

FYI: Three weeks ago, my previous lawyer Lisa Ried told me that she transferred my greencard case to another Lawyer Kristen Burke. So now she is handling my case. She will file the petition this week.

-----Original Message-----
From: Suvrajeet Sen [mailto:sen@sie.arizona.edu]
Sent: Sunday, November 11, 2001 10:33 PM
To: Supatgiat, Chonawee
Cc: Suvrajeet Sen
Subject: INFORMS Presentation


I attended your talk at the INFORMS meeting, and found that your
goals (valuing long term contracts) have a lot in common with goals
of our research. I would like to invite you to come and meet my
team which includes a fair number of Ph.D students, one of whom is
from economics, and the others are from Systems and Industrial Eng.
This would give us an opportunity to discuss common themes in our
work. Would you have any interest in doing so? If so, we can discuss
ways to make this happen.

- With best regards, Suvrajeet


Suvrajeet SEN
Professor of Systems and Industrial Engr.
P.O. Box 210020,
University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721

tel: (520) 621-6556
(520) 621-6551 or 626-8181 (messages)
fax: (520) 621-6555

-----Original Message-----
From: Jussi S Keppo [mailto:keppo@engin.umich.edu]
Sent: Saturday, November 10, 2001 2:45 PM
To: Supatgiat, Chonawee
Subject: RE: Miami meeting

Dear Chonawee Supatgiat,
It was very nice to meet you in Miami. Please find the enclosed paper (new
version) that I presented in Miami. If you feel so, we could think about
extension to this together and probably combine my and your papers.

If you will, I have few questions: How's things in Enron and what does the
Dynegy issue mean to you?

Thanks and best regards,
Jussi Keppo
Assistant Professor
Department of Industrial and Operations Engineering
University of Michigan, 1205 Beal Avenue
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-2117, USA

-----Original Message-----
From: Wei Yang [mailto:weiy+@cs.cmu.edu]
Sent: Sunday, November 11, 2001 8:44 PM
To: Supatgiat, Chonawee
Subject: informs presentation

Dear Chonawee Supatgiat,
This is Wei Yang from Carnegie Mellon University. I am working on
pricing and operation management in energy markets, especially on
natural gas. My last paper was about equilibrium analysis of a natural
gas supply chain. I was in the INFORMS conference last week.
Unfortunately I missed your presentation on Sunday. My friend was in the
session and he told me that your talk was very interesting.

Could you please email me your slides/paper? If you happen to need
Ph.D. students to work on some problem together, please let me know too.
I am looking for a topic for my next paper to finish my doctoral degree.
Thanks in advance.