Enron Mail

Subject:FW: Note on Valuation
Date:Tue, 6 Nov 2001 07:38:14 -0800 (PST)


I have it.


-----Original Message-----
From: Kaminski, Vince J
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2001 2:39 PM
To: Bharati, Rakesh; Shanbhogue, Vasant
Cc: Kaminski, Vince J; 'kimberly.r.scardino@us.andersen.com'
Subject: RE: Note on Valuation


I have informed Ryan Siurek (cc Rick Buy) on Oct 4
that I cannot sign off on any analysis
done by our group without looking at full set of
legal documents related to the LJM
transactions. Those documents were not provided and therefore
we cannot sign off on any analysis done in the past.

I have come to a conclusion that we cannot support
the valuations based on verbal and
often conflicting information, without doing full due

Feel free to provide the information to Kimberly but,
please, inform her I cannot support the quantitative analysis
we have done in the past. I am especially concerned about the conflict between
the existence of the restriction and the existence of a put that are, in my view,
mutually exclusive.


-----Original Message-----
From: Bharati, Rakesh
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2001 2:22 PM
To: Kaminski, Vince J; Shanbhogue, Vasant
Subject: FW: Note on Valuation
Importance: High


-----Original Message-----
From: kimberly.r.scardino@us.andersen.com
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2001 1:56 PM
To: Bharati, Rakesh; Siurek, Ryan
Subject: Re: Note on Valuation
Importance: High

This is the latest version of your Raptor valuation memo that we have. Is
there a more recent version with the changes we discussed (i.e. UBS shares
are not in a forward contract, 4 year restriction, etc.)?

To: Kimberly R. Scardino@ANDERSEN WO
Date: 09/26/2001 10:43 AM
From: Rakesh.Bharati@enron.com
Subject: Note on Valuation


Here is the note. Do let me know if I can assist further.

<<Note to AA09242001.doc<<

Rakesh Bharati
Phone: (713) 853-0936
Fax: (713) 646-2503

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(See attached file: Note to AA09242001.doc)

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