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Subject:Fwd: FW: Rice Energy Club Roundtable topics
Date:Sun, 14 Oct 2001 13:10:08 -0700 (PDT)

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Subject: FW: Rice Energy Club Roundtable topics
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2001 15:54:10 -0500
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Thread-Topic: RE: Rice Energy Club Roundtable topics
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From: "Kaminski, Vince J" <Vince.J.Kaminski@ENRON.com<
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< -----Original Message-----
< From: "S. Farhan Iqbal" <siqbal@rice.edu<@ENRON
< [mailto:IMCEANOTES-+22S+2E+20Farhan+20Iqbal+22+20+3Csiqbal+40rice+2Eed
< u+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com]
< Sent: Monday, September 24, 2001 9:54 AM
< To: John Baker
< Cc: Vincent kaminski; Syed \(Farhan\) Iqbal; Son Vu; John
< Montgomery; Craig A. Parks; Anthony Beebe; Chris Jensen; Arthur
< Jiantao Yan; luigical@rice.edu
< Subject: RE: Rice Energy Club Roundtable topics
< John,
< I think Luigi's idea of giving the 1st years an option to take this
< course during the Spring semester is great as most of summer
< internships are I the energy industry... it will give the RICE MBAs
< an upper hand compared to UT/SMU, etc.
< Regards,
< Farhan
< -----Original Message-----
< From: Luigi Calabrese [mailto:luigical@rice.edu]
< Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2001 11:42 AM
< To: John Baker
< Cc: Vincent kaminski; Syed (Farhan) Iqbal; Son Vu; John Montgomery;
< Craig A. Parks; Anthony Beebe; Chris Jensen; Arthur Jiantao Yan
< Subject: RE: Rice Energy Club Roundtable topics
< John, thanks for the suggestions. Your proposal looks great. I'll
< share it with Vincent Kaminski and the other officers of the club. I
< plan to present the agenda to the companies interested once I get the
< feedbacks from Vincent and the club's officers. Regarding MGMT 669,
< I was thinking to extend the possibility to take this course to the
< first year interested. Let me know if you think is a good idea or
< not.
< Have a nice weekend
< Luigi Calabrese
< MBA Candidate, Class of 2002
< Jones Graduate School of Management
< Rice University - Houston, TXhttp://www.ruf.rice.edu/~luigical
< <<http://www.ruf.rice.edu/~luigical<<
< -----Original Message-----
< From: John Baker [mailto:zeus@mountolympus.com]
< Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2001 11:09 AM
< To: luigical@rice.edu
< Cc: Syed (Farhan) Iqbal; Son Vu; John Montgomery; Craig A. Parks;
< Anthony Beebe; Chris Jensen; Arthur Jiantao Yan; Vincent kaminski
< Subject: RE: Rice Energy Club Roundtable topics
< Luigi,
< As to topics, I'd suggest working on the following for the rest of
< the year:
< 1) Energy 101 (can be accomplished by taking either of the MGMT 669
< sections -- the Thursday night section will be more lecture based,
< the Tuesday night section will have less lecture but more guest
< speakers and student presentations)
< 2) Energy Consulting
< 3) Financial Services (trading, risk management)
< 4) Origination, Marketing and Sales (Oil, Gas, Electricity)
< 5) Project Development, strategic planning
< 6) Structuring of Products
< 7) Supply Chain
< 8) Venture Capital within energy industry
< 9) Geo-Political considerations
< You are on the right track getting companies involved. Typical
< groupings would be:
< 1) Utilities (e.g. Reliant)
< 2) Gas, Pipeline, & Trading (e.g. Enron, El Paso Energy)
< 3) Oil Products (retail arm of Shell, Exxon, etc.)
< 4) Exploration & Production (Shell, Exxon, Apache, etc.)
< 5) Chemicals (majors like Shell, Exxon, but also Lyondell, Du Pont,
< etc.)
< 6) Oilfield services (Halliburton, Schlumberger, Core Lab, BJ
< Services, Weatherford, etc.)
< -----Original Message-----
< From: Luigi Calabrese [mailto:luigical@rice.edu]
< Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2001 8:51 AM
< To: Vincent kaminski; John A Baker
< Cc: Syed (Farhan) Iqbal; Son Vu; John Montgomery; Craig A. Parks;
< Anthony Beebe; Chris Jensen; Arthur Jiantao Yan
< Subject: Rice Energy Club Roundtable topics
< Dear John, dear Vincent,
< Let me up-date you on the roundtables we decided in the last meeting
< to focus on during the rest of the academic year. The original idea
< was to keep the number of events from 3 to 4 roundtables each
< semester. The result of the last meeting with all members was driven
< by enthusiasm, and as you see below we produced a prolific list of 13
< subjects. Maybe you can help us to narrow down to a reasonable
< number, 12 events (one we had yesterday) by May 2002 we think are too
< many.
< I also would take this opportunity to update on the ongoing
< relationships with the most prominent industry in the sectors and
< have your feedback, suggestion on how to group them in the
< roundtable.
< We got great support so far from Reliant, Enron, Mirant, Schell
< (Coral), Bp, Duke. El Paso, Chevron-Texaco, Phillips, and
< Halliburton etc.. also are interested and we will present the club to
< them as well. The major challenge for us is not transform the Energy
< Club in a Finance Energy Club. At Rice we already have a Finance
< club and it works very well. We want first educate about the energy
< industry in general, and second present the opportunities for MBAs in
< the industry in different areas, including finance but not limited
< to.
< Topics of Roundtable Meetings:
< 0) Energy "101"
< 1) Corporate Finance (Treasurer or Controller)
< 2) Energy Consulting
< 3) Financial Services (trading, risk management)
< 4) Origination, Marketing and Sales (Oil, Gas, Electricity) -
< Marteen
< 5) Project Development, strategic planning
< 6) Project Finance
< 7) Project Risk Management
< 8) Regulation, Deregulation, and Restructuring - Reliant done
< 9/17/2001
< 9) Structuring of Products
< 10) Supply Chain
< 11) Telecom - Broadband
< 12) Venture Capital within energy industry - Brian, Paresh
< Thanks in advance for your precious suggestions and I am looking
< forward to meeting you.
< Luigi Calabrese
< MBA Candidate Class of 2002
< Jones Graduate School of Management
< Rice University - Houston, TX
< Phone 713 922 4844
< http://www.ruf.rice.edu/~luigical

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