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Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Return-Path: <info@pmaconference.com< Received: from rly-yd04.mx.aol.com (rly-yd04.mail.aol.com []) = by air-yd01.mail.aol.com (v82.22) with ESMTP id MAILINYD14-1119222236; Mon,= 19 Nov 2001 22:22:36 1900 Received: from ccdmnn1.roving.com ([]) by rly-yd04.mx.aol.com= (v82.22) with ESMTP id MAILRELAYINYD45-1119222219; Mon, 19 Nov 2001 22:22:= 19 -0500 Received: from lp1 (unknown [])=09by ccdmnn1.roving.com (Postfi= x) with ESMTP id E18D26C9=09for <vkaminski@aol.com<; Mon, 19 Nov 2001 18:59= :10 -0500 (EST) Message-ID: <-1138236390.1006214012695.JavaMail.administrator@lp1< From: The Power Marketing Association <info@pmaconference.com< To: vkaminski@aol.com Subject: US Transmission Report-- Special! Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/html; charset=3Diso-8859-1 X-Roving-Queued: 20011119 18:53.30601 X-Mailer: Roving Constant Contact 4.1.Patch54b (http://www.constantcontact.= com) X-Roving-ID: 1000839703918 Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2001 18:59:12 -0500 (EST) U.S Transmission Industry Report Everything you need to know about the fast= changing transmission Industry Energy Info Source's U.S. Transmission Repo= rt is a 550-page, 4 part report which provides all you need to know about t= he fast changing transmission industry. The report takes a wide-ranging loo= k at changes in the structure of the business, assesses current and project= ed reliability issues, examines how transmission is effecting bulk power ma= rkets, and analyzes the FERC-mandated RTO filings. ***Includes a Free Year= of Wheeling & Transmission Monthly!! Now in its 15th year of publication, = Wheeling & Transmission Monthly is the only source of comprehensive informa= tion on transmission and bulk power filings at the FERC. Every filing at FE= RC during the past month is summarized, complete with docket number for pul= ling the entire file. The most important filings are featured in "Bulk Powe= r Highlights." WTM also covers the key decisions at FERC, and stories at th= e Regional Transmission Organizations and Independent System Operators. It = is a continuing update to your U.S. Transmission Industry Report. Normally = $345, it is FREE with your order of the U.S. Transmission Report. Delivered= in pdf format by email. Published by the Power Marketing Association. Down= load Ordering Information, a Complete Table of Contents and a Free Issue of= Wheeling & Transmission Monthly at: http://www.pmaconference.com/transinfo= .pdf ABBREVIATED TABLE OF CONTENTS: Volume I * The History of Transmissio= n in the U. S. * The Impact of FERC Orders 888 and 889 * FERC's Push = Toward RTOs through the Merger Approval Process * Discussion of the Crea= tion of TransCos * Detailed Analysis of FERC Order 2000 * Detailed Di= scussion, Analysis, and Comparison of October 15 RTO Filings -- including I= nnovative Rate Treatments * Discussion of Current ISOs and Projections o= n their Jan. 15 RTO Filings * Listing of FERC Dockets and Policy Stateme= nts Regarding RTOs * Maps of Proposed TransC0 and RT0 Territories Volum= e II * Review of NERC's 2000 Reliability Assessment * Review of FERC I= nvestigation of Bulk Power Markets * Discussion of California's Wholesal= e Market Problems * Analysis of Pricing Trends and Price Caps in ISOs *= FERC Action On October 15th RTO Filings * Detailed Discussion, Analys= is, and Comparison of January 15 RTO Filings * Tables of Regional Demand= and Capacity * Analysis of FERC Conditional Approval of GridSouth Trans= Co * GridSouth's Request for Clarification on FERC Order Addendum I * = Analysis of FERC Conditional Approval of GridFlorida TransCo * Analysis= of FERC Rejection of Southern Company's SeTrans GridCo * Analysis of FE= RC Directed Changes to Southwestern Power Pool/Entergy Hybrid RTO Proposal = * Update on Alliance and Midwest ISO Settlement * Analysis of FERC Co= nditional Approval of RTO West Addendum II * History of FERC RTO Activiti= es * Analysis of Southeastern RTO Mediation Report * Analysis of Nort= heastern RTO Mediation Report * Update on RTOs - Alliance and Midwest *= Update on TransCos - ITC, TransLink, and WestConnect Download Ordering In= formation, a Complete Table of Contents and a Free Issue of Wheeling & Tran= smission Monthly at: http://www.pmaconference.com/transinfo.pdf This email = was sent to those who signed up for it. If you believe it has reached you = in error, or you are no longer interested in receiving it, then please clic= k here to edit your preferences