Enron Mail

Subject:Gas & PoweRisk 2001 Conference, November
Date:Thu, 20 Sep 2001 09:11:11 -0700 (PDT)

Dear Speaker at Gas & PoweRisk 2001!

I just wanted to give you a little update on the developments of the preparations for the conference in November in Paris. We have now just launched the second round of marketing for the event, and bookings are coming in very nicely - it promises to be another exciting conference, and even bigger and better than last year's!

For those who have not yet done so, I would like to remind you of the possibility to send us the names of contacts that you would like to get informed about your involvement in the event, and we will then make sure that they receive a conference brochure. To assure the highest level of confidentiality, you can also send these names to our third party mailing house instead, and we will guarantee you that we only use them for this one mailing.

Furthermore, I would like to remind you to book your hotel room in Paris as soon as possible, should you not have done so already. The conference hotel is filling up very quickly, and we will only be able to hold rooms for you until the 28th September - so if you wish to stay in the conference hotel, please fax the booking form directly to the hotel as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.

Also please remember that we require a copy of your presentation by Friday 12th October. Please make sure it gets to us in time, as it can otherwise not be included in the conference documentation pack, which in the past has been a constant source of complaints from our delegates. Thank you for your cooperation!

I will attach the AV form and the marketing form - please send them back as soon as possible if you have not done so yet. This should not take more than 5 minutes of your time, but will help us assure a smooth running on the day.

That's it for the moment - please contact either me or my colleague Natasha Woolf should you have any further questions!

I look forward to seeing you in Paris in a few weeks' time!

Kind Regards,

Angelika Staude
Director Gas & PoweRisk 2001

Tel: 0044 207 915 5675
Fax: 0044 207 915 5101www.icbi-uk.com/powerisk
- marketing.doc
- AV form1.doc
- hotelbookingform.doc
- PoweRisk 2001