Enron Mail

Subject:Mexico Market--Fundamental Update - CERA Conference Call
Date:Thu, 31 May 2001 19:01:35 -0700 (PDT)

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Title: Mexico Market--Fundamental Update



* Energy Reform: On Recess?

* Power: Will New Capacity Meet Demand Growth?

* North American Gas Price Outlook

* Natural Gas: Importance of LNG in Mexico

Our speakers will address this topic for 30 minutes, with accompanying graphics
presented on the internet, followed by an open question and answer period.


Sondra Scott, CERA Director, Latin America Energy
Ed Kelly, CERA Director, North American Gas
Jed Bailey, CERA Associate Director, Latin America Energy
Alejandro Gonzalez, CERA Associate, Latin America Energy
Chairperson: Lisa Pearl, CERA Associate, Latin America Energy

12:00 P.M. Eastern, Tuesday, June 19, 2001

Clients eligible to participate in this conference call are those who subscribe
to the CERA Mexico Energy Retainer Advisory Service.

To enroll, please send a fax to Donna Masulla at (617) 576-8763, or enroll via
e-mail to dmasulla@cera.com before 12:00 P.M., Monday, June 18, 2001.

To participate in a live Web conference, please call in on one of the following
numbers approximately 10-15 minutes before the call:

Within the United States: 1-800-479-9001
Outside the United States: 1-719-457-2618
Confirmation code: 575061
Title of the call: CERA Call

To participate in the internet portion of the call (audio is by telephone), log
on to the internet approximately 15-30 minutes before the presentation to
ensure technological compatibility.

1. Point your browser to http://www.placeware.com/cc/visioncastconferencing
2. Enter the following information, then click "Attend":
* Your Name
* Meeting ID: w575061
* Meeting Key: 876431
3. Access audio for the meeting using the audio information above.

* Internet connection not reliant on the phone line you will use for the call.
* A Java-enabled browser, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.02 or higher;
Netscape Navigator 3.02 or higher; or Sun Hot JAVA(tm)
* Close all desktop applications and disable your screen saver

To ensure computer compatibility, complete the Internet instructions before the
day of the call. A message will appear telling you that your meeting is not
ready to start. However, it also informs you about any action that you may
need to take to prepare your computer to participate.

If you experience difficulties during the call, you may signal for technical
assistance by pressing *0 (star, zero) on your telephone keypad, once connected
to the audio portion of the conference.

For more information, please contact Donna Masulla via e-mail at
dmasulla@cera.com or via telephone at (617) 441-6896.

A recording of this call will be available until July 19, 2001. To access this
recording, please call 1-888-203-1112 (within the United States) or
(719) 457-0820 (outside the United States). Please use confirmation number
575061 to access the call.


E-mail Category: Conference Call Notification
CERA Knowledge Area(s): Mexico Energy

CERA's Spring 2001 Roundtable event dates and agendas are now available
at http://www20.cera.com/event


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