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[IMAGE] The Oil & Gas Journal Energy Database is now online! Dear Petro= leum Professional: The OGJ Energy Database, the world's largest private e= nergy industry statistical database, can now be accessed via OGJ Online and= the Oil & Gas Journal Online Research Center at http://www.ogjresearch.com= . The database includes energy statistical data in the following major c= ategories: Drilling and Exploration Production of Oil and Natural gas R= eserves of Oil and Natural gas Refining Imports and exports of Oil and Na= tural gas Stocks of Oil and Petroleum products Demand / consumption of Oi= l, Petroleum Products and Natural Gas Prices of Oil, Petroleum Products an= d Natural Gas Financial Information and Investment in the Oil and Natural = Gas Industries Transportation of Oil, Petroleum Products and Natural Gas = Offshore Oil and Natural Gas Exploration, Drilling and Production Other Ma= jor Energy Production and Consumption Miscellaneous Other Energy Industry = Statistics The OGJ Energy Database is comprehensive and efficient with al= l the key energy statistics for planning and analysis included. An extens= ive history for all statistical series -- annual, quarterly, monthly and we= ekly -- can be accessed with an easy-to-use menu system that reduces resear= ch time. Pricing is cost-effective with minimum search time and fixed pr= ice per series rates. =09 OIL & GAS JOURNAL SURVEYS Also available are current and historical Oil = & Gas Journal Surveys . These surveys have become industry standards and a= re a necessity for any oil and gas industry analysis. The following surve= ys are available on diskette in Excel spreadsheet format : US Pipeline Su= rvey Worldwide Refining Survey Enhanced Oil Recovery Survey Worldwide Oi= l Production Survey, Worldwide Construction Projects OGJ 200 / 100 Worldw= ide Gas Processing Survey International Ethylene Survey Worldwide Refiner= y Survey and Complexity Analysis For statistics and more information visi= t http://www.ogjresearch.com . Other information inquiries can be directe= d to: Valerie Sanders | Phone: 918-831-9539 | Email: valeries@pennwell.co= m If you don't wish to receive future emails about the Oil & Gas Journal= Research Center, click REPLY, type the words "STOP RESEARCH" in the subjec= t line, then click SEND. =09