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Dear Generation/Power Marketing Executive:
At its brief meeting yesterday, FERC approved a stripped-down consent agenda, without discussion, as described below. Following this summary is an updated listing of filings at FERC. In particular, FERC: (1) Approved, 3-1, with Comm. Hebert dissenting, an extension of the existing temporary $1,000/MWh bid caps in the ISO-NE energy, automatic generation control and operating reserve markets through March 31, 2001. (2) Rejected an aspect of ISO-NE's July 28 CMS/MSS compliance filing, namely its proposed Installed Capacity (ICAP) deficiency charge, and directed the ISO to reinstitute the previous, administratively-determined deficiency charge that the Commission required the ISO to revert to in its June 28 Order; other aspects of the filing will be addressed separately, FERC indicated. (3) Accepted in part, and rejected in part, American Transmission Company, LLC.'s (ATC) proposed OATT and rates, with Comm. Massey concurring. Among other things, FERC rejected ATC's innovative rate proposal, without prejudice to ATC submitting a new FPA Section 205 rate filing, based on its finding that ATC's ROE and other rate proposals amounted to a "request for the innovative rates that we have indicated we would consider in an RTO context." ATC sought such rates prior to joining an approved RTO, FERC specified, distinguishing this case from its September 28 Order authorizing innovative rate treatment for International Transmission Company. (4) Accepted for filing TransEnergie's two filed compliance reports on its procedures for reassignment of transmission rights and the results of its open season, respectively. (5) Rejected proposed amendments filed by two Southern Energy parties to their respective Reliability Must Run (RMR) Agreements with CA ISO, after finding the amendments were inconsistent with the terms of a prior RMR settlement. Numerous significant items were stricken, including the Alliance RTO compliance filing (CAE-27), the Southern petition concerning its RTO plans (CAE-23), and the Illinois Power-MISO withdrawal docket (CAE-16). == RECENT FERC FILINGS == (1) RTO DEVELOPMENTS * TENASKA filed a motion to intervene out of time regarding ALLIANCE's pro forma generator interconnection procedures and agreement contained in the proposed ALLIANCE RTO OATT. ER99-3144-004 and EC99-80-004. Filed December 8, 2000. * CONSOLIDATED EDISON OF NEW YORK, ORANGE AND ROCKLAND UTILITIES filed a request for rehearing and clarification of the Commission's November 8, 2000 Order regarding market problems in the New York market. ER00-3591-005 and ER00-1969-005. Filed December 8, 2000. * The following entities filed comments to the CITY OF VERNON's compliance filing regarding transmission revenue requirements and its proposed transmission owner tariff. EL00-105-001. Filed December 8, 2000. - CITIES OF REDDING, SANTA CLARA and PALO ALTO, CA and the M-S-R PUBLIC POWER AGENCY - SEMPRA ENERGY - CA ISO * SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON CO. filed a motion for an immediate modification and to intervene regarding the Commission's emergency order December 8 approving the CA ISO's tariff amendments. ER01-607-000, ER00-95-000 et. al. Filed December 11, 2000. * CAL PX filed a motion to intervene and a motion for emergency expedited modification regarding the CA ISO's Tariff Amendment No. 33. ER01-607-000. Filed December 11, 2000. * AUTOMATED POWER EXCHANGE filed reply comments to the CA ISO's "Analysis of 'Order Proposing Remedies for California Wholesale Electric Markets (Issued November 20, 2000).'" EL00-95-000 et. al. Filed December 11, 2000. * CONSUMERS ENERGY CO. filed a protest to the filing made by MISO that proposes to allow some additional transmission owners who are members of MAPP the option of electing network transmission service for their bundled retail customers while withholding this option for other transmission owners. ER98-1438-007. Filed December 11, 2000. * The following entities filed motions to intervene and protest regarding NEPOOL's revised Market Rules for Rule 3 support implementation of electronic dispatch, Rule 5 regarding uplift payments at low operating limits and Rule 11 regarding installed capacity responsibility as well as a revised Implementation Date for Electronic Dispatch. ER01-493-000. Filed December 12, 2000. - PG&E - NORTHEAST UTILITIES - DUKE ENERGY NORTH AMERICA - NRG POWER MARKETING * CA ISO withdrew its application for an Order to compel SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC CO. (SDG&E) to perform those transmission services necessary to fulfill the terms of the Transmission Control Agreement between SDG&E and the CA ISO, the Transmission Owners tariff and the CA ISO tariff. TX01-1-000. Comments due by January 2, 2001. * The Commission released a Notice of Technical Conference related to the NYISO in the following Dockets: ER00-3591-000, ER00-1969-001, ER01-94-000 and ER01-180-000. The conference has been scheduled for January 22 and 23, 2001. (2) OATT/TRANSMISSION * AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER SERVICE (AEP), on behalf of APPALACHIAN POWER CO., filed a motion for rehearing regarding the Commission's November 9, 2000 Order which accepted the interconnection agreement between AEP and WOLF HILLS ENERGY but did not waive the prior notice requirement. ER00-3688-001. Filed December 7, 2000. * COMMONWEALTH EDISON CO. filed revisions to its OATT to reflect the creation of a new generation subsidiary of EXCELON CORP., COMED's holding company. ER01-628-000. Filed December 8, 2000. * DAYTON POWER & LIGHT CO. (DP&L) filed an answer to the INDUSTRIAL ENERGY USERS - OHIO's motion to intervene and protest regarding DP&L's proposed changes to its OATT for the purpose of Ohio's retail competition laws. ER01-317-000. Filed December 7, 2000. * ARIZONA CONSUMER-OWNED ELECTRIC SYSTEMS filed a motion to intervene and for clarification regarding ARIZONA PUBLIC SERVICE CO.'s proposed revisions to its OATT regarding terms and conditions for interconnection and a pro forma interconnection and operating agreement. ER01-463-000. Filed December 7, 2000. * PANDA GILA RIVER filed a motion to intervene regarding ARIZONA PUBLIC SERVICE CO.'s filed proposed revisions to its OATT for terms and conditions for interconnection and a pro forma interconnection and operating agreement. ER01-143-000. Filed December 7, 2000. * WOLVERINE POWER SUPPLY COOP. filed a motion to intervene regarding CONSUMERS ENERGY CO. and MICHIGAN ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION CO.'s (MICHIGAN TRANSCO) OATT superseding, for the most part, CONSUMERS' OATT. ER01-414-000. Filed December 8, 2000. * MISO filed a letter clarifying and correcting certain statements contained in its proposed amendments to its OATT which were filed with the Commission on November 20, 2000. ER01-479-000. Filed December 11, 2000. * INTERNATIONAL TRANSMISSION CO. filed an answer to protests regarding its request for innovative transmission rates. ER00-3295-000. Filed December 11, 2000. * CONSUMERS ENERGY filed an answer to motions to intervene regarding its proposed amendment to its OATT regarding procedures to be used for requests to interconnect new generators and increasing capacity. ER01-318-000. Filed December 12, 2000. * NEW HORIZON ELECTRIC COOP filed to respond to DUKE ENERGY's answer to a motion for clarification by NEW HORIZON regarding whether Energy Imbalance Service under DUKE's OATT applies to NEW HORIZON if it implements dynamic scheduling and moves it load from DUKE's control area. EL00-101-001. Filed December 13, 2000. * AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER SERVICE CORP. filed an executed interconnection and operation agreement between OHIO POWER CO. and NATIONAL POWER COOP. ER01-552-000. Comments due by December 22, 2000. * CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT filed a revised interconnection agreement between itself and SHARYLAND UTILITIES in compliance with the Commission's Order of November 20, 2000. ER01-279-001. Comments due by December 26, 2000. * CENTRAL MAINE POWER CO. filed an initial rate schedule and an interconnection agreement between itself and SPARHAWK MILL CO. ER01-576-000. Comments due by December 26, 2000. * ALLEGHENY ENERGY SUPPLY CO. filed revised sheets to its First Revised Rate Schedule FERC No. 3. The filing amends the agreement to add MONONGAHELA POWER CO. as a party with the other ALLEGHENY POWER COs to reflect customer choice in Ohio. ER01-608-000. Comments due by December 26, 2000. * CENTRAL MAINE POWER CO. filed an executed interconnection agreement between itself and MARSH POWER. ER01-598-000. Comments due by December 27, 2000. * PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC filed an interconnection agreement between itself and the SAN JOAQUIN IRRIGATION DISTRICT. ER01-603-000. Comments due by December 28, 2000. * COMMONWEALTH EDISON CO. filed a revised unexecuted interconnection agreement with UNIVERSITY PARK and related supporting material in compliance with the Commission's November 8, 2000 Order. ER00-3668-001. Comments due December 29, 2000. * WISCONSIN ELECTRIC POWER CO. filed a motion to intervene and protest regarding the generation-transmission interconnection agreement filed between the AMERICAN TRANSMISSION CO. and WISCONSIN POWER & LIGHT CO. relating to the EDGEWATER 5 Generation Unit. ER01-484-000. Filed December 12, 2000. (3) MARKET COMPLAINTS * ORMET PRIMARY ALUMINUM CORP. filed a response to COMMONWEALTH EDISON's answer to ORMET's protest regarding the dynamic scheduling agreement between COMED Transmission and COMED Wholesale Energy Group. ER01-236-000. Filed December 11, 2000. * H.Q. ENERGY SERVICES filed for an Order directing the NY ISO to restore the original market clearing prices for energy on May 8, 2000. EL01-19-000. Filed December 12, 2000. (4) MERGERS/CORPORATE RESTRUCTURING * KOCH ENERGY TRADING (KET) filed a notice of change of status regarding ENTERGY CORP., which intends to form a partnership with KET's parent, which has announced an agreement to merge with FPL GROUP. KET Also filed a revised code of conduct. ER95-218-022. Comments due by December 27, 2000. (5) MISCELLANEOUS * The Commission granted an extension of time to the NYISO regarding the filing of a governance report so that market participants can comment. ER97-1523-005, ER97-1523-006, OA97-470-006, ER97-4234-004 and EC99-31-000. Issued December 11, 2000. * NYISO filed a report on certain generation issues one year after start-up in Docket Nos. ER97-1523-003 and 4, OA97-470-004 and 5, and ER97-4234-002 and 3. Comments due by December 22, 2000. * PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC CO. filed a response to SOUTHERN ENERGY DELTA and SOUTHERN ENERGY POTRERO's answer to various protests regarding their revised tariff sheets to the must-run service agreement between themselves and the CA ISO. ER01-147-000. Filed December 8, 2000. * CINERGY SERVICES, on behalf of CINCINNATI GAS & ELECTRIC CO. and subsidiaries, filed their compliance filing in Docket ER01-102-001. Comments due by December 27, 2000. * The ILLINOIS COMMERCE COMMISSION filed a motion for rehearing regarding the Commission's November 8, 2000 Order granting market-based rates, approving tariffs, service, and power purchase agreements and waiving the code of conduct in regard to EXELON, PECO, COMED, HORIZON, AMERGEN, and UNICOM. ER00-3251-003, ER99-1872-004, ER98-1734-004, ER98-380-014, ER99-754-006, ER00-1030-006, ER97-3954-014 and ER00-2429-004. Filed December 6, 2000. ==OTHER NEWS== MISO President/CEO Resigns; James Torgerson Named to Lead Company http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/001213/in_midwest.html More transmission owners plan to leave MISO http://biz.yahoo.com/rf/001213/n13334411.html Arkansas Denies UtiliCorp/Empire Merger http://biz.yahoo.com/bw/001213/mo_utilico_2.html Nancy Tarr Manager, Business Development ntarr@eei.org 202-508-5680 _