Enron Mail

Subject:Fwd: Some municipal bonds for you to look at.....
Date:Fri, 28 Apr 2000 13:48:00 -0700 (PDT)

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Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2000 14:36:06 -0500
Subject: Some municipal bonds for you to look at.....
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---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/28/2000
PM ---------------------------

"Julie Haviland" <julie.haviland@PaineWebber.COM< on 04/28/2000 12:57:40 PM

To: "'vkamins@enron.com'" <vkamins@enron.com<
Subject: Some municipal bonds for you to look at.....

I called out muni desk to have them take a look at the current munis avaiable
that looked best at this time to invest $50,000 going out to 30 years for you.
The following is what they came up with....

Pecos Co TX Cert of Obl w/a Coupon 5.5% Matures in 02/01/11 callable at par on
02/01/07 offered at $101.964 - AAA rated

Brownsville Util Rev w/a coupon of 5.25% maturing in 09/01/15 callable at par
09/01/05 offered at $97.425 - AAA rated

Alvin TX ISD PSF w/a coupon of 5.75% maturing in 08/15/22 callable at par on
08/15/10 offered at par - AAA rated

Houston TX Air Revs w/a coupon of 5.00% maturing in 07/01/28 callable at par
07/01/08 offered at 86.479 - AAA rated

Remember, these are subject to change, but if these interest you and they are
not still available, I will see if there is something comparable.

Talk to you soon. Please call me with any questions. Thanks, Julie