Enron Mail

Subject:Working Paper List & etc
Date:Wed, 2 May 2001 00:39:00 -0700 (PDT)

??? Dear Vince:
??? I have put together a list of finance working papers (some of which I
brought to the interview last wednesday) which I have written since 1995
mostly in support of my work but also (at least initially) as a learning
tool. Several of them, however,?do contain innovations.
??? I have asked Ms. De Claris to forward a copy to you.
??? As I expressed to you earlier I am particularly interested in Enron
Credit Swaps trading platform and the business opportunities that it will
??? I also think that there are tremendous opportunities to be explored in
the secondary mortgage maket in the US. I do not know if Enron has
considered or is active in this market. This would be an area that I am also
very interested and in which I think much better can be done than most of
the players in the street.
??? The question in my mind (hopefully not prematurely)?is: If there is
interest here would Enron consider letting me put together this business?
??? I look forward to hearing from you soon.
??? Best regards
??? Joao