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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-From: Kathy Spradling <spradlin@rice.edu< X-To: (Recipient list suppressed) X-cc: X-bcc: X-Folder: \Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\Notes Folders\Rice X-Origin: Kaminski-V X-FileName: vkamins.nsf Students, Faculty, and Staff, A hard copy of the latest Fall 2001 Module Schedule and Calendar (Rev. C) were placed in your mailbox on Thursday. Please review over the calendar closely for changes made. I have also posted the latest Fall 2001 Module Schedule and Calendar (Rev. C) to EMBANET. REMINDER: THE JONES GRADUATE SCHOOL DOES NOT ALWAYS FOLLOW THE UNIVERSITY CALENDAR ON SCHEDULED BREAKS, EXAMS, ETC.... ALWAYS REFER TO JONES GRADUATE SCHOOL INFORMATION REGARDING BREAKS, EXAM SCHEDULES, ETC.... Thanks, Kathy Kathy M. Spradling MBA Program Coordinator Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Management Rice University 6100 Main Street, MS 531 Houston, Texas 77005-1892 Phone: (713) 348-3313 Fax: (713) 348-5251 Email: spradlin@rice.edu http://www.rice.edu/jgs E-mail: spradlin@rice.edu http://www.ruf.rice.edu/~jgs/