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Enron Mail |
I shall be traveling next week (Europe again), Mon thru Fri. It's Power 2000 conference in Paris. I have many trips to different places later during October (Berkeley, Philadelphia, etc.). These are shorter, 1-2 day trips. Please, let me know when you come to Houston. I shall keep you posted about my itinerary as it becomes more certain. Vince Roman Kosecki <rkosecki@mieco.com< on 09/27/2000 09:08:39 AM To: "'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com'" <Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com< cc: Subject: RE: That is so much easier, isnt it ( I mean English ) My office number inb NJ is (973) 733-2771 in Cal (562) 951-1790 My home number is (201) 222-0435 I will be in Ny till friday , and then will stay in Long Beach for a few weeks. Hope you had a great time in Poland. It would be really nice to have some Italian pastry and a double espresso :) Let me know when you are in town. Roman -----Original Message----- From: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com] Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2000 9:07 AM To: Roman Kosecki Cc: vkaminski@aol.com Subject: Re: Roman, I shall type in English (faster). I was trying to locate you for some time after you left SCEM. I shall be glad to meet for dinner/coffee and chat. Please, send me your phone number. I have just come back from Poland and go through my mail. I shall try to reach you later this week. Vince Roman Kosecki <rkosecki@mieco.com< on 09/25/2000 12:06:12 PM To: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: Hello Vince, NIe bardzo wiem czy pisac po polsku czy po angielsku :) Co u Ciebie slychac ? U mnie troche zmian jak ze juz nie pracuje w SCEM , a przenioslem sie do MIECO ( a small Marubeni backed energy-america trading company ) . Bardzo rozne od SCEM. Najbardzij przypomina mi SCEM na poczatku z Joe, jak bylo 20-30 osob. Sa i minusy i plusy. Troche structure i research ale przede wszystkim weather. TRrovhe latam miedzy East i West bo sa officy w obydwu miejscach. California jest ok w zimie :). Na bardziej personalnym froncie; pamietasz dinner na ktory poszlismy kiedys na conferencji w NY z Catherine ( she used to work for Williams- works for Morgan Stanley now ) , we are dating ( for a while) . It is a good story how we met. So we owe you dinner :) Jak bylem w Atlancie to pracowala dla mnie Christa Grey. Bedzie teraz konczyla grad school in international relations ( with Eastern European slant ), i zastanawia sie czy sa jakies mozliwosci polaczenia tego co robila ze "Wschodem". Co robila to bylo przede wszystkim VB implementations modeli , ( roznego rodzaju) , Web based data collections, basic research , teraz jest w gas structuring etc. She speaks russian and was in Ukraine/Poland few times on Peace Corp assingments. She is very bright and dedicated. Myslalem zeby ja zwabic do Californii ale ten Eastern European pociag jest u niej silniejszy niz u mnie :). I have here resume, wiec jak bys myslal ze jest jakis fit I will foreward it to you. Troche tak mieszanka pisze, przepraszam Bede chyba w Houston w pazdzierniku to moze bysmy sie mogli spotkac. Latwiej pewnie by bylo w NY ( mieszkam po NJ stronie ( rent jest inny niz w Atlancie :) (201) 222-0435), wiec daj mi znac jakbys mial czas i ochote. Thanks Roman