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Happy New Year and New Millennium. Vince Kaminski "Hayden, Frank" <fhayden@kpmg.com< on 01/03/2000 02:53:24 PM To: "'achowdry@transenergy.com'" <achowdry@transenergy.com<, "'alemant@epenergy.com'" <alemant@epenergy.com<, "'alex_engles@csi.com'" <alex_engles@csi.com<, "'arajpal@coral-energy.com'" <arajpal@coral-energy.com<, "'arubio@mail.utexas.edu'" <arubio@mail.utexas.edu<, "'BABusch@mapllc.com'" <BABusch@mapllc.com<, "'baris.ertan@ac.com'" <baris.ertan@ac.com<, Bjorn Hagelmann/HOU/ECT@ECT, "'blake.a.pounds@ac.com'" <blake.a.pounds@ac.com<, "'bob_deyoung@yahoo.com'" <bob_deyoung@yahoo.com<, "'brysonpa@hal-pc.org'" <brysonpa@hal-pc.org<, Bryan Seyfried/LON/ECT@ECT, "'cpapousek@eesinc.com'" <cpapousek@eesinc.com<, "'csen@dynegy.com'" <csen@dynegy.com<, "'dennis.a.cornwell@usa.conoco.com'" <dennis.a.cornwell@usa.conoco.com<, "'djones2347@aol.com'" <djones2347@aol.com<, "'edhirs@aol.com'" <edhirs@aol.com<, "'eric_lundquist@sonat.com'" <eric_lundquist@sonat.com<, "'FLWRGBM@MSN.COM'" <FLWRGBM@MSN.COM<, "'forouzans@pge-energy.com'" <forouzans@pge-energy.com<, "'fred.kuo1@jsc.nasa.gov'" <fred.kuo1@jsc.nasa.gov<, "'GCTMAT@worldnet.att.net'" <GCTMAT@worldnet.att.net<, "'gkla@dynegy.com'" <gkla@dynegy.com<, "'Greg_Wright@csc.com'" <Greg_Wright@csc.com<, "'groetzingerp@valero.com'" <groetzingerp@valero.com<, "'haylett@tamu.edu'" <haylett@tamu.edu<, "'jarvis@shellus.com'" <jarvis@shellus.com<, "'jencooper@mindspring.com'" <jencooper@mindspring.com<, "'jeremy_mills@iname.com'" <jeremy_mills@iname.com<, "'jspicer@eesinc.com'" <jspicer@eesinc.com<, "'jturner4@csc.com'" <jturner4@csc.com<, "'julialong@worldnet.att.net'" <julialong@worldnet.att.net<, "'kck8@cornell.edu'" <kck8@cornell.edu<, "'KhannaS@pge-energy.com'" <KhannaS@pge-energy.com<, "'madcapduet@aol.com'" <madcapduet@aol.com<, "'MAGDASR@TEXACO.COM'" <MAGDASR@TEXACO.COM<, "'markw@primosystems.com'" <markw@primosystems.com<, "'martin.a.makulski@ac.com'" <martin.a.makulski@ac.com<, "'MerrillPL@aol.com'" <MerrillPL@aol.com<, "'mike.sepanski@kmtc.com'" <mike.sepanski@kmtc.com<, "'mkim@ect.enron.com'" <mkim@ect.enron.com<, "'more@insync.net'" <more@insync.net<, "'mthomas@hia.net'" <mthomas@hia.net<, "'ostdiek@rice.edu'" <ostdiek@rice.edu<, "'Parker3M@kochind.com'" <Parker3M@kochind.com<, "'pitbull@wt.net'" <pitbull@wt.net<, "'pmeaux@entergy.com'" <pmeaux@entergy.com<, Pavel Zadorozhny/HOU/ECT@ECT, "'rabi@shellus.com'" <rabi@shellus.com<, "'RayJDunn@aol.com'" <RayJDunn@aol.com<, "'rw22@usa.net'" <rw22@usa.net<, "'sama@dynegy.com'" <sama@dynegy.com<, "'sstewart@transenergy.com'" <sstewart@transenergy.com<, "'stathis@athena.bus.utexas.edu'" <stathis@athena.bus.utexas.edu<, Ted Murphy/HOU/ECT@ECT, "'wchi@dynegy.com'" <wchi@dynegy.com<, "'wjs@thorpecorp.com'" <wjs@thorpecorp.com<, "'wmdumond@imailbox.com'" <wmdumond@imailbox.com<, "'wskemble@shellus.com'" <wskemble@shellus.com<, "'xxenergy@ix.netcom.com'" <xxenergy@ix.netcom.com<, "'xxia@worldnet.att.net'" <xxia@worldnet.att.net<, "Murray, Darcie L" <dlmurray@kpmg.com<, "'paul-roberts@reliantenergy.com'" <paul-roberts@reliantenergy.com<, "'mcorrea@entergy.com'" <mcorrea@entergy.com<, "'ds10pub@aol.com'" <ds10pub@aol.com<, "Carstens, Keenan" <kcarstens@kpmg.com<, "'steve.bender@halliburton.com'" <steve.bender@halliburton.com<, "'wtaylor@avistaenergy.com'" <wtaylor@avistaenergy.com<, "Hughes, Kevin" <khughes@kpmg.com<, William S Bradford/HOU/ECT@ECT, "'pgerrer@ustrust.com'" <pgerrer@ustrust.com<, "'wlacy@peco-energy.com'" <wlacy@peco-energy.com<, "'lev.borodovsky@csfb.com'" <lev.borodovsky@csfb.com<, "'ehelland@watersinfo.com'" <ehelland@watersinfo.com<, "'abhattacharyya@llplimited.com'" <abhattacharyya@llplimited.com<, "'glen_sweetnam@reliantenergy.com'" <glen_sweetnam@reliantenergy.com<, "'jminton@entergy.com'" <jminton@entergy.com<, "'milesn@kochind.com'" <milesn@kochind.com<, "'hofmannm@kochind.com'" <hofmannm@kochind.com<, William S Bradford/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, "'Rangan_Padmanabhan@sonat.com'" <Rangan_Padmanabhan@sonat.com<, "'bernard.beliveau@raaq.gouv.qc.ca'" <bernard.beliveau@raaq.gouv.qc.ca<, "'schantal@caramail.com'" <schantal@caramail.com<, "'ddickson@avistaenergy.com'" <ddickson@avistaenergy.com<, "'tina_c_lee@reliantenergy.com'" <tina_c_lee@reliantenergy.com<, "'brads@aurora-gas.com'" <brads@aurora-gas.com< cc: Subject: Happy New Year! Greetings from the Global Association of Risk Professionals!! On January 31 to February 2, 2000 at the Marriott Financial Center, New York City, GARP is holding it's 1st Annual Risk Management Convention. Hope your Holidays treated you well and that 2000 keeps its promises! Regards, Frank Hayden GARP - Houston GARP 2000 UPDATE January 31 to February 2, 2000 New York City - Marriott Financial Center http://www.garp.com/g2k/g2kmain.htm Have you booked your place at GARP 2000 - our 1st Annual Risk Management Convention? Over 100 of our members - risk professionals from financial institutions, regulatory bodies, insurance companies, corporations, asset management firms, software houses, investment companies, rating agencies and consultancies - already have. Can you afford to miss this crucial industry gathering? Register on-line today using our secure server: https://secure.garp.com/scripts/garp-application.plx?G2k Lead Sponsors: Compaq Infinity: A Sungard Company Associate Sponsors: Algorithmics Incorporated CWB Summit Systems Whitelight GARP 2000 brings together a speaking panel of over 50 renowned risk management specialists, addressing today's most critical issues on market risk, credit risk, operational risk, balance sheet management, insurance and corporate risk management. Special sessions will give delegates an insight into the progress of GARP's new working groups on technology and power, and present the results of industry surveys sponsored by the association. ***Take the GARP Member Survey!*** GARP, in association with CWB, has developed the "Risk Management and Technology in the 21st Century-Member Survey". Over the next few weeks, we will be collecting your opinions on a variety of issues about the challenges risk managers will face in the coming years. The survey is comprehensive, and covers many aspects of the risk management industry including: *the current state of the industry *the technological and business issues institutions have faced in order to get where they are today and how those problems were overcome *how risk management will change and grow in stature due to technology *lessons learned The results of the survey will be presented at GARP 2000 and posted on the GARP web site shortly thereafter. The survey contains 27 questions and will take approximately 15 to 20 minutes to complete. To participate in the survey, please click on the following link: http://www.clicktomarket.com/cgi/form.pl/2202/4402647456101 GARP and CWB appreciate your participation. ***Financial Risk Manager of the Year Award Ceremony*** The selection committee is now hard at work reviewing the nominations. Don't miss the special Gala Evening on Tuesday, February 1, 2000 where we will announce the 1999 Financial Risk Manager of the Year. The Gala Evening, sponsored by Reuters, will include a cocktail reception and casino games, followed by the prestigious Awards Ceremony and a three-course dinner. Last year's winner, Robert Mark, Executive Vice President at the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC) will present the new recipient with the award. Advance reservations are required. A reservation is automatically included as part of the GARP 2000 Convention registration. Members who wish to attend the Gala Evening, but not participate in GARP 2000 may register for the dinner event separately. The cost is $75.00 per person. Please use the following link to make your reservation: https://secure.garp.com/scripts/garp-application.plx?G2k We look forward to seeing you at GARP 2000. ***************************************************************************** The information in this email is confidential and may be legally privileged. It is intended solely for the addressee. Access to this email by anyone else is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it, is prohibited and may be unlawful. When addressed to our clients any opinions or advice contained in this email are subject to the terms and conditions expressed in the governing KPMG client engagement letter. *****************************************************************************