Enron Mail

Date:Thu, 21 Dec 2000 23:49:00 -0800 (PST)

---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 12/22/2000
07:54 AM ---------------------------

Clayton Vernon @ ENRON
12/21/2000 03:51 PM

To: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: f/up


I got your message (I was up on the roof of the building helping to fix the
weather satellite dish- what a gorgeous view of Houston!).

I appreciate your words. Everything remains fine, Vince. You are my "father"
here at Enron, and I admire and respect you greatly. I think I know the kind
of person you are, in terms of your integrity, and I admire the high
standards you set for all of us in your extended "Group."

I want to let you know I am not the only one in the group who doesn't
appreciate the way Maureen disrespects you. You remain the key external
factor in their success- it is not simply their own abilities that matter to
their futures but your own- Vince's- success with upper management that

We respect you, and we don't like it when you are disrespected. Maureen
didn't disrespect me today, Vince, she disrespected you.

It's time I told you something. Last April, Maureen, highly intoxicated
following a work-related function at Ninfa's, made an unsolicited predatory
sexual advance on me at my desk on the 19th floor. I was shocked and
disgusted, but I didn't say one word about this, Vince, because I played it
out and didn't want to put you into the position of having a raving Maureen
in your midst as you perhaps had to fire her and then endure a litany of
gender-bias crap lawsuits.

I "took one for the team," Vince. I can'rt say I would do it again- Maureen
is brazen to berate me after what she did, in public no less.

I appreciate your bringing me into Enron. I've found a respectful and,
indeed, a loving work environment. I remain willing to do whatever I can to
help the Group.
