Enron Mail

Subject:FW: Research Group Teamwork
Date:Wed, 12 Dec 2001 08:20:11 -0800 (PST)

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Crenshaw, Shirley =20
Sent:=09Wednesday, December 12, 2001 10:10 AM
To:=09Adam Stevens (E-mail); Alex Huang (E-mail); Amitava Dhar (E-mail); An=
guel Grigorov (E-mail); Anita DuPont (E-mail); Bob Lee (E-mail); Chonawee S=
upatgiat (E-mail); Christopher Pernoud (E-mail); Gwyn Koepke (E-mail); Heat=
her A. Johnson (E-mail); Jaesoo Lew (E-mail); Jason Sokolov (E-mail); Jose =
Marquez (E-mail); Joseph Hrgovcic (E-mail); Karthik Rajan (E-mail); Kenneth=
Deng (E-mail); Kevin G Moore (E-mail); Lance Cunningham (E-mail); Leann Wa=
lton (E-mail); Martin Lin (E-mail); Maureen Raymond (E-mail); Mauricio Mora=
(E-mail); Mike A Roberts (E-mail); Mitra Mujica (E-mail); Nelson Neale (E-=
mail); Osman Sezgen (E-mail); Paulo Issler (E-mail); Pinnamaneni Krishnarao=
(E-mail); Pravas Sud (E-mail); Praveen Mellacheruvu (E-mail); Rabi De (E-m=
ail); Rakesh Bharati (E-mail); Sandeep Kohli (E-mail); Sarah Wooddy (E-mail=
); Seksan Kiatsupaibul (E-mail); Sevil Yaman (E-mail); Shalesh Ganjoo (E-ma=
il); Shane Green (E-mail); Shravan Chopra (E-mail); Sofya Tamarchenko (E-ma=
il); Sriram Vasudevan (E-mail); Steve Bennett (E-mail); Tanya Tamarchenko (=
E-mail); Therese Candella (E-mail); Tom Barkley (E-mail); Vasant Shanbhogue=
(E-mail); Vince J Kaminski (E-mail); Wichai Narongwanich (E-mail); William=
Smith (E-mail); Zimin Lu (E-mail)
Subject:=09FW: Research Group Teamwork

Hi guys! =20

This is for your information. =20

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Kaminski, Vince J =20
Sent:=09Wednesday, December 12, 2001 10:08 AM
Cc:=09'vkaminski@aol.com'; Crenshaw, Shirley
Subject:=09RE: Research Group Teamwork


I shall be glad to help you in any way I can. Please, give me a call
(713 853 3848) to set up a meeting.

I shall ask Shirley to distribute your message to the entire group
and ask for the volunteers who will be interested in discussing
their experience with you.


-----Original Message-----
From: =09Athomas80@aol.com@ENRON =20
Sent:=09Wednesday, December 12, 2001 9:53 AM
To:=09Kaminski, Vince J
Subject:=09Research Group Teamwork

Over the past year and a half, I have been continually impressed with the r=
ichly diverse and highly collaborative working environment you created amon=
g members of the Research Group. As you know, I pay attention to "people" =
issues in my work, and seldom have I observed such a successful and diverse=
team environment. =20
I believe that this experience is worth sharing with others and would like =
to write about it. The purpose of the project would be to capture and shar=
e learnings related to the dynamics of the Research Group; larger Enron iss=
ues would not be included. The writing would be based on interviews with y=
ou and perhaps ten others in the department. Anything I write would be app=
roved by those who are quoted, and the complete article would be reviewed a=
nd approved by you before being shared outside. I do not expect to receive=
any financial support for the effort; I have some time now and enjoy doing=
the kind of effort I'm proposing. I can show you a sample of similar, pre=
viously-published works I've done. =20
I realize that these days are already confusing and draining for you all. =
On the other hand, this is a good time, perhaps the only time, to capture t=
he wisdom that each of you has gained from this team experience. If you ha=
ve interest in my pursuing this idea, would you be available to talk with m=
e further in the next couple of days?
Ann Thomas (Bob Lee's wife)