Enron Mail

Subject:Houston Trip
Cc:vince.kaminski@enron.com, jeffrey.shankman@enron.com
Bcc:vince.kaminski@enron.com, jeffrey.shankman@enron.com
Date:Mon, 18 Dec 2000 06:52:00 -0800 (PST)


So Sorry for the name mix up...it is YOU , not "Vance", another guy on my PR
team, who is to be included in this...so sorry..I'd just gotten off the phone
with "Vance" before I wrote this. I'm writing this from
"vacation-day-at-my-house"..which I can tell, the "vacation" part, I should
start taking literally!

Happy Holidays!

---------------------- Forwarded by Christie Patrick/HOU/ECT on 12/18/2000
02:52 PM ---------------------------

Christie Patrick
12/18/2000 02:45 PM
To: FAP <FAP@management.wharton.upenn.edu< @ ENRON, Melinda
McCarty/Corp/Enron@Enron, Cindy Derecskey/Corp/Enron@Enron, Michael B
Rosen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jeffrey A Shankman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J
cc: Clay DeGiacinto <clayton.degiacinto.wg02@wharton.upenn.edu<@ENRON, Deepa
Mallik <mallikd@wharton.upenn.edu<@ENRON, Dennis Feerick
<Dennis.Feerick.wg02@wharton.upenn.edu<@ENRON, Edson Otani
<edsono@wharton.upenn.edu<@ENRON, Gustavo Palazzi
<gustavop@wharton.upenn.edu<@ENRON, "Heather N. Thorne (E-mail)"
<hethorne@wharton.upenn.edu<@ENRON, Jack Rejtman
<Jack.Rejtman.wg02@wharton.upenn.edu<@ENRON, Jaideep Singh
<singhjai@wharton.upenn.edu<@ENRON, Jason Cummins
<Marc.Cummins.wg02@wharton.upenn.edu<@ENRON, Joshua Leventhal
<levent86@wharton.upenn.edu<@ENRON, Kim Whitsel
<whitselk@wharton.upenn.edu<@ENRON, "LOUIS A THOMAS (E-mail)"
<thomas@wharton.upenn.edu<@ENRON, Murat Camoglu
<camoglum@wharton.upenn.edu<@ENRON, Nick Levitt
<Nicholas.Levitt.wg02@wharton.upenn.edu<@ENRON, Omar Bassel
<bassalo@wharton.upenn.edu<@ENRON, Pat Henahan
<mhenahan@wharton.upenn.edu<@ENRON, Ram Vittal
<mvittal@wharton.upenn.edu<@ENRON, Steve Lessar
<Stephen.Lessar.wg02@wharton.upenn.edu<@ENRON, Tulika Bhalla
<bhallat@wharton.upenn.edu<@ENRON, Vincent Chen
<Vincent.Chen.wg02@wharton.upenn.edu<@ENRON, Weigelt
<Weigelt@wharton.upenn.edu<@ENRON, FAP
<FAP@management.wharton.upenn.edu<@ENRON, "'christie.patrick@enron.com'"
<christie.patrick@enron.com<@ENRON, "'vkamins@enron.com'"
<vkamins@enron.com<@ENRON, piazze@wharton.upenn.edu
Subject: Houston Trip

Hello everyone!

Regarding the Tiger team Research Project Houston Trip, these are the Rsvp's
I've received:

Jaideep Singh
Dennis Feerick
Kim Whitsel "AND TEAM 1"
Ram Vittal
Heather Thorne
Pat Henahan
Vincent Chen
Jack Rejtman
Deepa Mallik
Josh Leventhal
Edson Otani
Omar Bassal
Stephen Lessar
Clayton DeDiocinto.

Note: Heather and Jack have requested to stay in Houston until Sunday
(expenses other than air fare, beyonfd Friday at Enron will be individually


Would you please review this list, add the individual names of "team # 1),
add any additional faculty, T.A.'s etc, that will be attending, and returnm
this list to me and my assistant, "Melinda McCarty" who will begin the
arrangements. Also, if others would prefer Sunday returns to Phily, on the
same terms offered Heather and Jack, please so indicate NO LATER THAN
Tuesday, Dec. 20. Please inform Donna, who will then prepare and forward to
me and my assistant Melinda(e-mail address above) one complete, confirmed
list of attendees. The plan will be to leave Phily on Thurs afternoon,
arrive late aft Thursday, Dinner at Churrasco's South America Restaurant
Thursday evening with me, Vince, Vance, Jeff Shankman, and possibly a few
others from Enron.

Hotel Thursday evening and ground transportation through return to airport
will be arranged by Enron.

Friday will be reserved for an Enron tour, and individual meetings the teams
would like to set up with members from variuous business units

Return will be scheduled for early Fri evening, except for those electing to
stay through Sunday. Again, except for return to airport and airfare,
expenses beyond Friday afternoon will be borne by each respective student
(though we encourage you to stay and look around this great city of Houston!).

Thanks Donna, for your immediate assistance with this--Vinve, Vance, Jeff and
I are excited about the trip!!

