Enron Mail

Subject:Re: recommendation of an outstanding Baylor MBA student for summer
Date:Sat, 31 Mar 2001 02:17:00 -0800 (PST)

Cc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com,
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Bcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com,
X-From: Vince J Kaminski
X-To: Jim Garven <James_Garven@baylor.edu< @ ENRON
X-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Shirley Crenshaw, Stinson Gibner
X-Folder: \Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\Notes Folders\Universities
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I shall contact Althea and make sure Rusty meets with the Research Group


Jim Garven <James_Garven@baylor.edu< on 03/28/2001 01:01:42 PM
To: Stinson_Gibner@enron.com
cc: vince_j_kaminski@enron.com
Subject: recommendation of an outstanding Baylor MBA student for summer

Dear Stinson,

I would like to call your attention to Rusty Parks, who is an MBA student
here and has been serving as my research assistant since last fall.? Rusty is
a very outstanding individual with a very impressive work ethic and interest
in topics such as financial engineering and technology, particularly as these
issues pertain to the energy industry.?? In fact, you met Rusty during your
recent visit to Baylor (specifically, last month over dinner at the Gamma
Iota Sigma chartering ceremony).

I happen to know that Rusty is already scheduled to visit Enron for an
interview for a summer internship on April 19.? He has been invited by Althea
Gordon.? If there is any possibility that you could meet with him during his
visit, I am sure that he would be most grateful.? Rusty is one of the very
best research assistants I have ever had, and I am sure that Enron would
benefit from having him aboard during the coming summer.


Jim Garven

P.S.: Please find Rusty's resume attached to this email.

James R. Garven, Ph.D.
Professor of Finance & Insurance
Department of Finance, Insurance and Real Estate
Hankamer School of Business
HSB 336
Baylor University
Box 98004
Waco, TX? 76798

Voice: (254) 710-6207
Fax: (603) 994-6680

E-mail: James_Garven@baylor.edu
Home Page: http://garven.baylor.edu
Vita: http://garven.baylor.edu/dossier.html
Research Paper Archive: http://garven.baylor.edu/research.html
- Rusty Parks Resume.doc