Enron Mail

Subject:The latest (last?)
Cc:vince.kaminski@enron.com, j_martin@baylor.edu
Bcc:vince.kaminski@enron.com, j_martin@baylor.edu
Date:Wed, 7 Feb 2001 09:37:00 -0800 (PST)

..sorry...I found something else:

P.1, footnote: the newspaper is the "Houston Chronicle" (purchased the
'Post' several years ago)..:-)
----- Forwarded by Christie Patrick/HOU/ECT on 02/07/2001 05:34 PM -----

Christie Patrick
02/07/2001 05:27 PM

To: Mark Palmer/Corp/Enron@ENRON
cc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, J_Martin@baylor.edu
Subject: The latest (last?)

..as Columbo would say.."..just one more thing"

p.20 last bullet: Enron focusing on recruiting AND RETAINING talent

Thanks again! Christie.
----- Forwarded by Christie Patrick/HOU/ECT on 02/07/2001 05:24 PM -----

Christie Patrick
02/07/2001 05:23 PM

To: Mark Palmer/Corp/Enron@ENRON
cc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, J_Martin@baylor.edu
Subject: The latest (last?)


Please review the attached article and forward your comments/authorization
for its use to John Martin at Baylor, copying me and Vince.

John and Vince,

I have a few simple comments:

1. Please use "Enron Corp." [rather than "Enron Corporation"]

2. page 3: as of yesterday, Fortune Magazine named Enron "most innovative"
for the SIXTH year in a row

3. page 5: 2nd paragraph: regarding the "gas bank" concept--I believe when
Jeff first introduced it, it fell flat. I think John pick's that up (and
Enron's subsequent recovery of a version of the concept on p.6), but it's
probably accurate to mention that at first, it didn't go over.

4. page 13: re: Cindy Olson's comment on a possible 5 X difference between
a "satisfactory" and "superior" VP--the difference referred to is probably
the "bonus" rather than "compensation" (which , to me, is generally means
base salary); also, it varies for each review period, as comparative
performance might vary; further, we might want to run that quote by Cindy
just to make sure she's OK with it's publication (she might have no problem
with it whatsoever, but I know for other articles, she's been more reluctant
to provide that kind of statistic).

5. page 17 (after Annual report quote): I suggest changing "Enron's
wholesale business... provides" to "...businesses..provide"; also, rather
than "Enron Wholesale" we might want to define this by the term Enron uses:
"Enron Wholesale Services"

6. page 18: 2nd paragraph: the tense switching from past to present is
technically correct if read carefully , but seems awkward when reading it

7. page 19: effective February, Jeff Skilling is "CEO".

...that's my 2-cents worth!! I think the article is great...even
interesting (ha!)...even to non-MBA's like me!!



----- Forwarded by Christie Patrick/HOU/ECT on 02/07/2001 04:41 PM -----

Vince J Kaminski
02/02/2001 08:45 AM

To: Mark S Palmer/NA/Enron@Enron
cc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Christie Patrick/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: The latest (last?)


I am sending you the final (?) draft of the paper by John Martin
on Enron's transformation. John Martin is a prof from Baylor who visited us
a few weeks ago.

Can you take a look at the paper and bless it. I haven't read this last
of the paper yet and I will go through it on weekend.


---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 02/02/2001
08:44 AM ---------------------------

"John D. Martin" <J_Martin@baylor.edu< on 02/01/2001 04:15:36 PM
To: vkamins@enron.com
Subject: The latest (last?)


Attached is my latest attempt to wrap everything together. Our timetable
is very short as we need an "approved by Enron" version of the paper to Don
by next Wednesday. Don has already made editorial changes for us and may
make some additional "writing style" changes but he doesn't change the

I'll give you a call later today to alert you to the e-mail.

take care,


p.s. i had a nice conversation with steve. sounds like he's landed a
pretty good contract with Wiley.

- Enron_Paper_2_1_01.doc

John D. Martin
Carr P. Collins Chair in Finance
Finance Department
Baylor University
PO Box 98004
Waco, TX 76798
254-710-4473 (Office)
254-710-1092 (Fax)
web: http://hsb.baylor.edu/html/martinj/home.html