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Liquidity EOL has allowed Enron to simultaneously provide internal and external customers with realtime markets in many of the physical and financial products that we trade. The ability of all customers to execute trades and receive instantaneous confimations has resulted in rapidly growing volumes and growing customer participation. One of the benefits of this system is to allow all customers access to the market prices rather than being funnelled through third party brokers. Enron has committed to providing both depth of volume and tight bid/offer spreads. This committment has been main driver of the growth in volume since rollout last Nov.29. Transparency The existence of our two way market has removed all doubt about the firmness of bids and offers. We will trade on the price and volume on our bid and offer. The growing volumes over our system has lessened our dependance on the sometimes unreliable broker served market. Many of our customers and competitors now use EOL as an information source as well as a trading vehicle. EOL is the only service that provides free real time information on as many traded markets in the physical and financial worlds. We have no competition in this regard. This aspect of EOL has been helpful to the smaller customers that are not primarily trading operations. Deal Flow As the market maker on this system we do derive some tangible trading benefits. We are collecting the bid/offer spread on our transactions and over time this results in a direct bottom line benefit. Enron's market share of financial tranactions will also increase overtime as we have become the easiest and most reliable way to transact in the market.