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RealMoney.com's MIDDAY UPDATE October 29, 2001 http://www.realmoney.com ************************ADVERTISEMENT************************* $7 Trades, 140+ Offices, #1 Broker! http://ad.2clk.net/eclk;3498695;1729382257000484863;6518453;133148;;3364 ************************************************************** James J. Cramer: A Healthy Selloff Keep an eye out for some big tech stocks if they slide a little further. http://www.thestreet.com/p/rmoney/jamesjcramer/10003137.html ____________________________________ TSC Technical Forum: General Electric Illuminates the Market's Future Watch where this stock is headed. Plus, charts of Enron, Lucent, Schlumberger and more. http://www.thestreet.com/p/rmoney/techforumrm/10003135.html ____________________________________ The Chartist: It's Starting to Look Like May Again Enough similarities exist right now, so be wary of chasing stocks on the upside. http://www.thestreet.com/p/rmoney/chartistrm/10003141.html ____________________________________ The Teleconomist: Calling Home: Telephone Services Look Attractive Again Competitive local exchange carriers finally realize that growth is good in this plain-vanilla area. http://www.thestreet.com/comment/theteleconomist/10003099.html ____________________________________ Below the Radar: When Pay Cuts Reach the Top Some companies are cutting salaries of their top brass, but the move could be only symbolic. http://www.thestreet.com/funds/belowradar/10003091.html ____________________________________ Tim Arango: Toys R Us Restructuring Still on Track The company's pre-Sept. 11 plans to remodel its stores are still in place and could pay off big. http://www.thestreet.com/stocks/timarango/10003057.html ____________________________________ FaceOff - Glenn Curtis: One Toy Story Not Going to Infinity and Beyond With other retailers encroaching and a mediocre balance sheet, Toys R Us will continue to disappoint. http://www.thestreet.com/markets/faceoffcurtis/10003056.html ____________________________________ Biotech/Pharmaceuticals: FDA Backs Lilly Sepsis Drug Conditional approval means the drug has cleared a big hurdle. http://www.thestreet.com/stocks/biotech/10003148.html ______________________________________________________________________ If you would like to be removed from our bulletin mailing list, or would like to select which of our bulletins you receive, please go to the following URL: http://www.thestreet.com/p/upc/bulletin.jhtml ____________________________________________________________________ Copyright Notice Except for making one printed copy of this or any other materials, files or documents available from, accessible through or published by TheStreet.com Inc. for your personal use (or downloading for the same limited purpose), these may not be reproduced, republished, broadcast or otherwise distributed without prior written permission of TheStreet.com Inc. For bulk reprints of any article, please contact Brad Glouner at Reprint Management Services, at (717) 399-1900 ext. 130, or via email at bglouner@rmsreprints.com. ____________________________________________________________________ For general comments, questions or suggestions, please send an email to feedback@realmoney.com. For letters about our editorial content intended for publication, please send an email to letters@realmoney.com. Remember to include your full name and city. If you have a question regarding your account, please contact us at members@realmoney.com. ____________________________________________________________________ For TheStreet.com's privacy policy, please click here: http://www.thestreet.com/tsc/about/privacy.html. Email delivery and ad services are provided by DoubleClick's DARTmail. Click here for important privacy information: http://www.privacychoices.org/ ____________________________________________________________________ Copyright 2000 TheStreet.com, Inc. All rights reserved.