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RealMoney.com's MIDDAY UPDATE October 30, 2001 http://www.realmoney.com ************************ADVERTISEMENT************************* $7 Trades, 140+ Offices, #1 Broker! http://ad.2clk.net/eclk;3499056;1729382257000484863;6518452;133330;;209 ************************************************************** Herb on TheStreet: LSI's Logic Is Hard to Fathom LSI Logic takes a puzzling charge, ArthroCare isn't getting paid, and SureBeam insiders take a profit. http://www.thestreet.com/p/rmoney/herbonthestreet-rm/10003213.html ____________________________________ James J. Cramer: No Smiles for McDonald's Customers In an effort to please Wall Street, the fast-food giant has expanded too quickly. http://www.thestreet.com/p/rmoney/jamesjcramer/10003212.html ____________________________________ The Swing Shift: Follow the Bouncing Stock Master swing trader Alan Farley shows how to exploit a possible bounce in Microsoft. http://www.thestreet.com/comment/swingshift/10003210.html ____________________________________ The Teleconomist: Reviewing the Teleconomist's Portfolio In recent weeks, it's become easier to find good buys; still liking Cisco, Micromuse and Enterasys http://www.thestreet.com/comment/theteleconomist/10003184.html ____________________________________ The Chartist: This Decline Probably Isn't Over Just Yet The market could attempt to rally, but complacency remains high. http://www.thestreet.com/p/rmoney/chartistrm/10003205.html ____________________________________ Detox: Conseco Hurtles Zeroward as Cash Crunch Mounts The third-quarter earnings report brings yet more bad news from the insurer and lender. http://www.thestreet.com/markets/detox/10003214.html ____________________________________ TSC Technical Forum: Navigating the Steep Rise of Digital River After a big run-up, the top could be near. Plus, charts of the QQQ, Sun, EMC and more. http://www.thestreet.com/p/rmoney/techforumrm/10003200.html ____________________________________ Merchant of Value: 2 for Tuesday: In a Tough Hotel Market, Hilton Looks Solid The company has deep pockets, is cutting costs, and is in a good position for the long haul. http://www.thestreet.com/comment/merchantofvalue/10003180.html ____________________________________ 2 for Tuesday: 2 for Tuesday: Take Advantage of Federated's Sale Price It's going to be a rough fourth quarter, but this retailer has real staying power. http://www.thestreet.com/comment/2tuesday/10003161.html ____________________________________ Justin Lahart: Want the Dirt? Clean October Data Will Have It Alas, Thursday's manufacturing numbers and Friday's jobs report will be ugly, ugly, ugly. http://www.thestreet.com/markets/justinlahart/10003179.html ____________________________________ Investing: Read the Fine Print About Companies' Synthetic Leases Some tech companies put aside hundreds of millions of dollars for real estate they can't touch now. http://www.thestreet.com/funds/investing/10002961.html ______________________________________________________________________ If you would like to be removed from our bulletin mailing list, or would like to select which of our bulletins you receive, please go to the following URL: http://www.thestreet.com/p/upc/bulletin.jhtml ____________________________________________________________________ Copyright Notice Except for making one printed copy of this or any other materials, files or documents available from, accessible through or published by TheStreet.com Inc. for your personal use (or downloading for the same limited purpose), these may not be reproduced, republished, broadcast or otherwise distributed without prior written permission of TheStreet.com Inc. For bulk reprints of any article, please contact Brad Glouner at Reprint Management Services, at (717) 399-1900 ext. 130, or via email at bglouner@rmsreprints.com. ____________________________________________________________________ For general comments, questions or suggestions, please send an email to feedback@realmoney.com. For letters about our editorial content intended for publication, please send an email to letters@realmoney.com. Remember to include your full name and city. If you have a question regarding your account, please contact us at members@realmoney.com. ____________________________________________________________________ For TheStreet.com's privacy policy, please click here: http://www.thestreet.com/tsc/about/privacy.html. Email delivery and ad services are provided by DoubleClick's DARTmail. Click here for important privacy information: http://www.privacychoices.org/ ____________________________________________________________________ Copyright 2000 TheStreet.com, Inc. All rights reserved.