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Today's Hottest Travel Deals from Bestfares.com!
=20 There are only five days left to purchase our $60 roundtrip buddy fares. Bu= siness travelers can save their company big bucks with the average coast-to= -coast airfares at only $376 roundtrip. This special fare only requires a m= inimum stay of one night and a seven-day advance purchase. Travel is valid = through October 26, 2001. Now you can pack up your spouse for only $60 more= or take one of your kids for a summer getaway. No matter how we look at th= is fare, the average price per person, per couple is only $218 roundtrip. A= lso, our Caribbean special will not last much longer. Hawaii is on sale fro= m many U.S. cities starting as low as $499 roundtrip and can you believe Ca= nada for only $172 to $192 roundtrip for the peak summer travel season? Plu= s, we have special fares to the South Pacific starting as low as $819 round= trip, kids $674 to Sydney or Auckland. If you want low summer airfares for = a great getaway, check out all the deals below for your best fares. (P.S. w= e have a few hidden gems not mentioned in this paragraph that are listed be= low).=20 TAKE A FRIEND COAST TO COAST FOR $60 RT THROUGH OCT. 26, '01=20 If you're traveling in twos this summer, we have a new offer that will help= you fly for less. Purchase one discounted fare for coast-to-coast travel b= etween 58 city pairs, and you can take along one companion for only $60 rou= ndtrip. Be flexible in your travel plans for the best savings. The lowest f= ares are available for the first traveler on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Satur= days. Travel on other days is available, but the fares increase by $40 each= way. The $60 companion fare, however, is valid for travel any day of the w= eek. Travel is valid through October 26, 2001, and a seven-day advance purc= hase is required on most routes. If you need to fly between Chicago, Detroi= t, Providence, Baltimore, Orlando or many more to Las Vegas, Reno, San Dieg= o, Seattle or Portland (OR), the first traveler pays $376 roundtrip, and th= e second just $60 roundtrip. Other great markets include Phoenix to Fort La= uderdale, San Diego to Islip (NY), San Jose (CA) to New Orleans, Baltimore = to Los Angeles, Hartford to Albuquerque, or Oklahoma City to Manchester (NH= ). Bring a friend and save big bucks by visiting=20 http://www.bestfares.com/travel/desks/story.asp?id=3D22405 =20 TAKE OFF TO CANADA FROM $135 RT THROUGH AUG. 30, '01=20 Even though we are super proud of our special reduced airfares to Europe, w= ait until you see these great fares to Canada, valid for travel through Aug= ust 30, 2001. Many of these discounted fares only require a three- or seven= -day advance purchase. Sample airfares to Toronto, Montreal or Ottawa inclu= de Pittsburgh at $135; Milwaukee at $148; Kansas City, Austin, San Antonio,= New Orleans, Raleigh, Charlotte, Jacksonville, Tampa, Orlando, Fort Lauder= dale and Miami at $171; Phoenix from $229; San Diego and Seattle at $226; C= olorado Springs at $222 and Portland (OR) at $211. Visit=20 http://www.bestfares.com/travel/desks/story.asp?id=3D55 =20 HAWAII IS ON SALE WITH SAVINGS OF UP TO $400=20 Who would have thought that Hawaii could be an affordable vacation destinat= ion, especially for summer travel? With the specials we are now running to = Honolulu, Maui or Kona, airfares are discounted by up to $400. You don't ha= ve to pinch your pennies to have a slice of paradise. Our bargain fares can= get you there with plenty of spending money left over for souvenirs, a Haw= aiian luau or drinks on the beach. For the absolute best savings, depart fr= om San Diego between June 15 and December 13, 2001. These fares can be as l= ow as $344 roundtrip. For a terrific tropical getaway, visit=20 http://www.bestfares.com/travel/desks/story.asp?id=3D856 =20 FINAL 2 DAYS: KIDS 2-12 FLY COAST-TO-COAST $98-138 RT THROUGH OCT. 26, '01= =20 Travel coast-to-coast with kids (ages two-12) for $138 roundtrip or less th= rough October 26, 2001. You can fly from Boston, New York City, Washington = (DC) or Philadelphia to Denver, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Phoeni= x, Las Vegas, Dallas, Milwaukee, Chicago, Minneapolis and more for as littl= e as $98-138 roundtrip. The best travel days are Tuesday, Wednesday and Sat= urday. Tickets must be purchased by 5:00 p.m. (CDT), June 8, 2001. Visit=20 http://www.bestfares.com/travel/desks/story.asp?id=3D23634 =20 FINAL 2 DAYS: SENIORS & A COMPANION OF ANY AGE FLY COAST-TO-COAST $158 RT O= R LESS THROUGH OCT. 26, '01=20 If you are 62 years of age or more, you and a companion of any age can fly = coast-to-coast for $158 roundtrip or less per person. Boston, New York City= , Philadelphia or Washington (DC) to Chicago, Milwaukee, Dallas, Minneapoli= s, Denver, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, San Francisco or Seattle are just a few = of the cities that seniors and a friend can save major travel bucks on thro= ugh October 26, 2001. The best travel days are Tuesday, Wednesday and Satur= day. These special airfares do not have a fuel surcharge. Tickets must be p= urchased by 5:00 p.m. (CDT), June 8, 2001. Visit=20 http://www.bestfares.com/travel/desks/story.asp?id=3D23635 =20 FREE LONDON VACATION INCLUDING AIRFARE & 3 NIGHTS HOTEL FROM UNITED VACATIO= NS=20 There's no better price than free, and United Vacations is offering a trip = for two from a U.S. United Airlines departure city to London for just that-= free. Register by July 15, 2001, to win airfare for two and three nights at= the Forum Hotel, located within walking distance of Kensington Gardens and= Hyde Park. The estimated value of the United Vacations promotional trip is= approximately $1,000. See the United Vacations Web site for complete conte= st rules and restrictions. And while you are visiting the site, check out j= ust-reduced prices for summer travel to Europe. For example, four nights in= London, including airfare and hotel, start at $724 for peak July and Augus= t travel. See all of the low European summer travel options from United Vac= ations and register today for a free London vacation at=20 http://www.unitedvacations.com/2toLondon.htm =20 COSTA RICA, BELIZE, GUATEMALA AND EL SALVADOR ARE ON SALE THROUGH JULY 31, = '01=20 We have just reduced airfares to Mexico and Central America for travel thro= ugh July 31, 2001. Flights to popular destinations such as San Jose, Belize= City, Guatemala City and San Salvador have been reduced by hundreds of dol= lars. The travel days for the lowest fares are Monday through Thursday; oth= er travel days are available at approximately $20 more each way. Sample far= es include New York City, Washington (DC) or Dallas/Fort Worth to Costa Ric= a for $409 roundtrip. Airfares from New Orleans, Chicago, Newark, Atlanta o= r Dallas/Fort Worth to Belize range from $320 to $355 roundtrip. If you are= looking for a great deal to Central America or Mexico, please check out ou= r specials at=20 http://www.bestfares.com/travel/desks/story.asp?id=3D646 =20 HOTEL RESERVATIONS NETWORK=20 Need a hotel room? Look no further because HotelDiscounts.com is the place = to find great deals at great prices. HotelDiscounts.com provides up to 70 p= ercent off on hotels in major cities worldwide with guaranteed lowest rates= . Book online at=20 http://www.hoteldiscounts.com/cgi-bin/pickcity?SID=3DNW2&LKF=3DNW2 =20 STOPOVERS & SAVINGS GALORE ON INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL=20 Our European stopover programs allow you to see more of the world for less.= We offer stops in England, Italy and Germany, giving you more bang for you= r buck to Europe.=20 If you wish to visit jolly old England in your international travels, our f= ree stopover in London specials are your ticket to savings. Plus, if you ar= e traveling with others, you can earn up to quadruple airmiles. We have pri= ces as low as $397 roundtrip from Philadelphia, Newark, Boston or New York = City to Dublin plus London. These London stopover deals allow travel up thr= ough October 30, 2001. Check our these great British bargains at=20 http://www.bestfares.com/travel/desks/story.asp?ID=3D58 =20 You can experience the pleasures of Italy for no cost with our free stopove= rs in Rome or Milan. Fares begin at $474 roundtrip from New York City or Bo= ston to Paris through November 30, 2001. The romance of classic Italian cit= ies has never seemed so affordable. For a deep-dish discount, click to=20 http://www.bestfares.com/travel/desks/story.asp?ID=3D2284 =20 For travelers from Dallas/Fort Worth or Houston, we have stopovers in Frank= furt. This is a good chance to pick up another European city for next to no= thing. Germany is a great centralized location and allows you to get a hist= oric taste of Europe for an extra $50. Fares are as cheap as $607 from Dall= as/Fort Worth or Houston roundtrip from Dallas/Fort Worth or Houston to Lon= don plus Frankfurt (for an additional $50) through November 30, 2001. Tune = in to the sound of savings, by visiting=20 http://www.bestfares.com/travel/desks/story.asp?ID=3D22789 =20 RADISSON HOT DEALS: GET COOL SAVINGS ON LAST-MINUTE HOTEL RESERVATIONS=20 Do last-minute travel plans have you searching for hotel accommodations? Th= en you'll want to check in to Radisson Hot Deals.=20 Every Wednesday, Radisson offers specially discounted travel opportunities = to numerous U.S. destinations. Save up to 40 percent on already value-price= d rates for great Radisson hotel rooms through Hot Deals.=20 Access Radisson.com to quickly locate a hotel of your choice. You can ch= eck room availability, read about the service and amenities of your selecte= d hotel, and book your stay online.=20 So hurry -- a limited number of rooms are available at the Radisson Hot Dea= ls rates, and rates are subject to change without notice. But with potentia= l savings like these from Radisson Hotels and Resorts, you'll be glad you c= licked through to Radisson Hot Deals =20 AUCKLAND & SYDNEY ARE ON SALE THROUGH JAN. 6, '02=20 Even though we can't offer you $99 roundtrip kid fares anymore, we have a d= eal to Australia and New Zealand that will still knock your socks off. Firs= t, you don't have to return until January 6, 2002. Second, fares start at j= ust $809 roundtrip from Los Angeles and San Francisco kids $674 and only go= as high as $1,192 roundtrip (kids $993) from the East Coast. So, why not t= ake a trip Down Under before school starts back up again? Or, better yet, i= f you act fast, you could spend Christmas with a koala. Visit=20 http://www.bestfares.com/travel/desks/story.asp?id=3D14455 =20 DID YOU SNOOZE THIS WEEK? COAST-TO-COAST AIRFARES FOR ONLY $99 RT=20 Oh yes, you read right. From Atlanta, Cincinnati and Milwaukee, this past w= eek we had (as of last night and they were still there today) $99 roundtrip= airfares to Los Angeles good for travel through April 15, 2002. Boston or = New York City to Atlanta, Kansas City, Milwaukee or Cincinnati was only $99= roundtrip. From Dallas to San Diego, Los Angeles, Seattle Portland (OR) or= Sacramento was at $126 roundtrip. Denver or Dallas to New York City or Bos= ton for $150 roundtrip or Denver to Tampa for $116 wasn't bad either. If yo= u had travel plans to these destinations and you missed these super low Sno= oze You Lose airfares, you can keep this from happening in the future by ch= ecking out our Snooze You Lose fares daily at=20 http://www.bestfares.com/travel/desks/desk.asp?desk=3Dlose =20 DEALS OF THE DAY SAVE YOU BIG, BIG BUCKS=20 This week, we have seen unbelievable super-low fares from select cities. Ou= r Deals of the Day can offer discounts up to 80-percent off the standard 21= -day advance purchase fares. Our two cheapest airfares this week are Detroi= t to Chicago or St. Louis for only $55 roundtrip, good for travel through O= ctober 26, 2001. Need more travel deals like these? Visit our Deals of the = Day on a routine basis. Especially if you want to save big travel bucks. Go= to=20 http://www.bestfares.com/travel/desks/story.asp?id=3D17598 =20 THE CARIBBEAN IS ON SALE FROM $328 RT THROUGH SEPT. 30, '01 =20 Travel to the tropics for an island getaway, Caribbean style. This sale pre= sents an opportunity to enjoy the warmth of the sun and the cool Caribbean = waters without going broke. Travel from 84 U.S. cities is on sale to many t= op Caribbean destinations from only $328 roundtrip through September 30, 20= 01. Savings can be up to half off to a selection of 15 Caribbean cities, in= cluding Aruba, Bermuda, Cancun, Grand Cayman, Montego Bay, Nassau and four = other Bahamian destinations, St. Croix, St. Maarten, St. Thomas, San Juan, = and Santo Domingo. Departures from the East Coast and Southeast begin from = just $328 roundtrip, whereas the average published fares usually range from= $658 to $798 roundtrip. Fares from the Midwest are only $428 roundtrip and= from the West Coast, $458 roundtrip. Have a refreshing experience in the C= aribbean by clicking to=20 http://www.bestfares.com/travel/desks/story.asp?id=3D647 =20 BESTFARES.COM IS NOMINATED FOR THE 2001 WEBBY AWARD =20 We are most honored by our nomination by The International Academy of Digit= al Arts and Sciences for a 2001 Webby Award for our new, improved site. Hai= led as the "Oscars of the Internet," the Webby Awards are an eminent honor = for Web sites. The 5th annual Webby Awards will take place on Wednesday, Ju= ly 18 in San Francisco. Two honors are presented in each category: The Webb= y Award and The People's Voice Award. Judges from the International Academy= of Digital Arts and Sciences select the nominees for both awards and the w= inners of The Webby Awards. The online community determines the winners of = The People's Voice Awards. Show your support by visiting http://www.webbyaw= ards.com ,clicking on the People's Voice Awards and voting for us. Register= with your email address, and you will receive a password in your email alm= ost immediately. People's Voice Awards voting runs through July 4.=20 THIS WEEKEND'S ONLINE TRAVEL DEALS AT A GLANCE =20 We love to save you money but we like to save you time too. Some travelers = spend hours looking for the best prices for last-minute weekend travel geta= ways. Bestfares.com travelers can get the job done in minutes. Every Wednes= day, we compile current Internet specials into easy-to-use online summaries= . We cover domestic and international airfares, hotels and car rental disco= unts, giving you comprehensive coverage for one-stop shopping. Spot the dea= l that suits you best and get a jump on other travelers who will be vying f= or the same seats, rooms and cars.=20 For This Week's Major Airline Internet Discounts, =20 http://www.bestfares.com/travel/desks/story.asp?id=3D23571 =20 For This Week's Car Rental Internet Discounts, =20 http://www.bestfares.com/travel/desks/story.asp?id=3D23570 =20 For This Week's U.S. & Canada Hotel Internet Discounts, =20 http://www.bestfares.com/travel/desks/story.asp?id=3D23569 =20 For This Week's International Hotel Internet Discounts, =20 http://www.bestfares.com/travel/desks/story.asp?id=3D23568 =20 You are currently subscribed to hotdeals as pkeavey@ect.enron.com=20 To unsubscribe send a blank email to leave-hotdeals-1606467L@hotdeals.bestf= ares.com =20 Copyright 2001 by Bestfares USA Inc. All rights reserved.