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Subject:Travel deals for dads, grads, newlyweds, and you!
Date:Wed, 30 May 2001 15:39:57 -0700 (PDT)

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[IMAGE] Special Deals Tell a Friend! Fr=
ee issue! =09[IMAGE]=09 Dear peter, A special day -- like Father'=
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[IMAGE] Tell a Friend! [IMAGE] DEALS & NEWS [IMAGE] Every week, we brin=
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PECIAL DEALS [IMAGE] Best Deals The best offers and promotions at Expedia.=
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Expedia Packages: Air and five nights in Honolulu from $589 Plus, get =
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dia Special Rate: San Francisco's W hotel from $139 until September 2 A gr=
eat weekend rate at one of the city's most elegant hotels. [IMAGE] Tell a =
Friend! Expedia Packages: Air and four nights in Los Cabos from $514 Tr=
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Friend! Expedia Cruises: Seven-day Alaska cruise (to/from Vancouver) fr=
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] Tell a Friend! [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Thank you for t=
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or climbing, biking and rappelling; golf courses by the hundred; plus shop=
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he airlines' lowest published fares are the lowest roundtrip fares publishe=
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