Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Coral - 5/01 Deficiency Charges
Date:Mon, 7 Jan 2002 07:17:20 -0800 (PST)


Yes, my group will be the ones to book the demand charges in sitara. Can you please contact that regional controller for the charges.

West-Kam Keiser
Central-Scott Palmer
East-Phillip Love
Texas-O'neal Winfree


-----Original Message-----
From: Dozier, Scott
Sent: Monday, January 07, 2002 8:51 AM
To: Christiansen, Suzanne
Cc: Jacobs, Charles; Keiser, Kam
Subject: RE: Coral - 5/01 Deficiency Charges


I was wondering if you had a chance to research the below note. Furthermore, please note the updated file attached. There are no changes volumetrically from the last file, but there are some price differences. Basically, Coral has taken these deficiency charges in their final settlement with Nov-01 prod. So, the need is to verify the correctness of their claim to these charges. Please advise on what you might know about this from a scheduling point of view when possible.


We talked briefly about this before the holidays. The price problem we discusses has been cleared up by Coral. However, I assume that you need to be in the loop to also verify the overall deficiency charges and ultimately approve the creation of demand charges on the appropriate deals. Please let me know where you stand on this or what might be my next steps in cleaning this up.

Scott Dozier
Client Services - Settlements
Enron Net Works LLC
office: 713.345.7213
fax: 713.646.8420
email: scott.dozier@enron.com

<< File: CoralEne05Def.xls <<

-----Original Message-----
From: Dozier, Scott
Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2001 10:01 AM
To: Christiansen, Suzanne
Cc: Jacobs, Charles; Valderrama, Lisa
Subject: Coral - 5/01 Deficiency Charges


Here is the spreadsheet that we discussed earlier today. The worksheet of concern is titled "Sched". Each deal is listed by group. That is to say that they are not listed by day, but the days in question are mentioned for each group. Furthermore, the volumes on the left of each group are from Coral's data, whereas the right side contains ENA data or my calculations. Please prioritize these as you can with the expectation that I might be able to work on this upon my return from vacation on Jan 2.

<< File: CoralEne05Def.xls <<

Thank you,

Scott Dozier
Client Services - Settlements
Enron Net Works LLC
office: 713.345.7213
fax: 713.646.8420
email: scott.dozier@enron.com