Enron Mail

Subject:NU EES-ENA Coordination
Date:Tue, 31 Jul 2001 10:51:48 -0700 (PDT)

Just fyi, I'm trying to find any email traffic I received as it relates to =
Duran's inferences. So far, this is the only one I could find. No action ne=
eded on your side, just wanted you to see what I have seen on my end.

Also, I met with Mark Bernstein yesterday to discuss a few deals and he we=
nt through the "Wholesale PPA restructuring " that Duran referred to in the=
PRC. It sounds like we didn't hear the whole story at all, because Mark wa=
lked me through the agreement with Dave Duran specifically on this deal si=
nce it included both retail and wholesale aspects to it, and Dave wanted Ma=
rk Bernstein's specific involvement since Mark originated it in the first p=
lace. They even agreed to work together and if a deal was consummated, they=
would split the resulting earnings 50/50 between the groups. I was not at =
all aware of this, but am very disappointed in Duran's use of partial infor=
mation in the PRC. The more I am looking into the "noise" issue, the more I=
feel like it was unjustly used in the PRC.=20

Again, no need to act on any of this, I just want to be sure you and John a=
nd Dave and I are communicating more on this stuff. I'll ask Kay to see if =
she can get lunch scheduled for us next week.

---------------------- Forwarded by Janet R Dietrich/HOU/EES on 07/31/2001 =
12:34 PM ---------------------------

Mark Bernstein
07/31/2001 11:09 AM
To:=09Janet R Dietrich/HOU/EES@EES
Subject:=09NU EES-ENA Coordination

Hi Janet,

Per your request.


---------------------- Forwarded by Mark Bernstein/HOU/EES on 07/31/2001 11=
:08 AM ---------------------------

Mark Bernstein
07/02/2001 04:25 PM
To:=09John Llodra/Enron@EnronXGate
cc:=09David W Delainey/HOU/EES@EES, Janet R Dietrich/HOU/EES@EES, Mark S Mu=
ller/HOU/EES@EES, Jeff Ader/HOU/EES@EES, W David Duran/Enron@EnronXGate, Ma=
rk Bernstein/HOU/EES@EES=20
Subject:=09NU EES-ENA Coordination


Hi John,

Tonight, I am sending you the material we receive from NU regarding their m=
arket based contracts via Fedex (#802432049929). The market based contracts=
constitute NU's obligations (350MW) to serve Municipalities as a part of =
their standard offer obligation, which is currently served by Select. This =
is a wholesale opportunity that we came across during our discussions with =
NU regarding customer access, green power contracts and other retail opport=
unities. NU is very interested in the retail transaction and has taken the =
initiative to bring it to closure. Confidentiality agreements have been si=
gned, information has been exchanged and we are pricing and discussing stra=
tegies for regulatory approvals. It is imperative that NU is not confused o=
r distracted at this time from the transaction at hand by the many differen=
t directions that Enron can sometimes pull customers. I am sure that you wi=
ll be most sensitive in your discussion with NU this week and limit them to=
only those opportunities that are not mutually exclusive to the retail tra=
nsaction we are working on. Especially in light of our recent customer acce=
ss success with National Grid (Mass. Electric), NU is key to keeping the mo=
mentum going. Good luck with the market based contracts and lets make sure =
we over-communicate so that NU is not caught in the middle.

