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Enron Mail |
Enron North America and Enron Canada are still providing IT and Back Office=
Services to several parties. Beth has expressed some concerns about the e= state's ability to be able to support a production trading environment onc= e a split of applications and hardware is made between NETCO and the estate= . Given this we need to make some decisions as to how to best handle these= services agreements. Here are some suggestions: Peggy Hedstrom, in Calgary would like to assign the Enron Canada Master Ser= vices agreements to NETCO and continue to service those via that entity. Bridgeline, which is a JV in which ENA owns a 40% interest, currently has n= o way that they can support themselves. They are totally dependent on Enro= n for everything from email, internet, network services and office applicat= ions as well as trading, risk and back office applications. If there are c= oncerns about the estate's ability to support Bridgeline then it may be in = Enron's best interest to assign this agreement to NETCO. AEP/HPL is more of a stand alone operation. They have their own infrastruc= ture in place and currently provide for their own email and office support = services. They have also brought up with their own version of our SCADA sy= stem and are in the process of trying to bring up their own version of our = Pipeline Operations system. If we sell them our version of PGAS to support= their measurement operations they will then try to tie these applications = into their own Trade Blotter, Open Link Financials and Altra. Their goal w= as to try and have all of this in place by sometime in June of this year. = Given all of the Commercial conflicts with AEP regarding the sale of HPL it= may make the most sense to leave this agreement with the estate and sugges= t that AEP try to be stand alone ASAP. That way if the estate defaults on = the service agreement then they can at least manually rekey information fro= m one system to another until they have put in their own integration betwee= n the applications listed above. Please let me know if you have any comments or if it makes sense to put tog= ether a meeting to discuss the issues of Service Agreements. =20 Tommy J Yanowski Sr. Director - Enron Net Works Work # 713.853.6858 Cell # 713.539.7094 -----Original Message----- From: =09Perlman, Beth =20 Sent:=09Wednesday, December 19, 2001 3:54 PM To:=09Johnson, Jeff; Stock, Steve; McAuliffe, Bob Cc:=09Webb, Jay; Yanowski, Tommy J.; Burchfield, Richard Subject:=09RE: Integration Test Planning / Coordination Mtg Summary The AEP and Bridgeline deals must be investigated. There is no way the est= ate can support a production environment. I will be reviewing the contract= s to determine our obligations and possible alternatives. Beth -----Original Message----- From: =09Johnson, Jeff =20 Sent:=09Wednesday, December 19, 2001 2:23 PM To:=09Stock, Steve; McAuliffe, Bob; Greig, Iain; Nommensen, Dave; Ward, Bob= ; Sanvido, Terry; Wei, Zhiyong; Nat, Steve; Harmon, Kenneth M.; Warner, Joh= n; Saleem, Aftab; Smith, Regan M.; Hillier, Bob Cc:=09Webb, Jay; Perlman, Beth Subject:=09Integration Test Planning / Coordination Mtg Summary Key Planning Assumptions 1) Jan 20 go live 2) New Co Conversions must be completed and tested by application teams by = Jan 15. This assumes all major production data setup - users, rights, books= , global data - is completed and tested on a per application basis. Some co= de changes may still be in process but integration testing can begin to ens= ure the applications still talk to each other.=20 3) Integration test planning focus will be to run representative transactio= ns from EOL to SAP through all core trading applications to ensure that app= lications and interfaces still work. We will not be testing functional perm= utations, data conditions, validation or exceptions to any significant degr= ee.=20 4) Each application conversion team must test their changes before approvin= g their changes for integration testing. We are operating from the premise = that data, infrastructure and code changes have been tested at a applicatio= n system level before the enterprise integration test starts.=20 4) All systems will be physically split (even Unify at this point).=20 5) Integration test team will develop and execute the test plan for both Es= tate and New Co.=20 6) We will integrate key business reps into the process for planning and ex= ecution and they will have shared responsibility for signoff on the test to= support go live to production.=20 7) We will minimize the differentiation between New Co and Estate for conve= rsion and test team purposes. There are two teams - Conversion and Integrat= ion Test. Each team will focus on both Estate and New Co. Resources are too= tight and the process is too inefficient to separate responsibility.=20 8) Estate conversions must happen at the application level before New Co co= nversion work can begin in earnest. Estate conversion is on the critical pa= th for New Co.=20 Key Issues 1) We will push to get a decision to see if we can focus on financial tradi= ng first, then physical. If financial is the focus, delivery risk goes down= dramatically. For now, we must plan on the worst case -- physical and fina= ncial on Jan 20.=20 2) We need both a dev and a test environment for all systems that support A= EP and Bridgeline in Estate. This means that we need a dev environment (and= HW gap addressed) for Unify, Sitara, CPR, TAGG/ERMS. Conversion teams need= to coordinate with infrastructure immediately on this issue to make sure w= e're in synch.=20 3) Unify servers probably can't be owned by New Co while running a single l= icense of Unify.=20 4) Some systems are using 'short name' instead of Duns ID as a key for coun= terparties from Global. The Global, TAGG / ERMS, Unify and SAP reps must qu= ickly define the best approach for making global data changes and minimizin= g hard coded reference id risks.=20 5) We must clearly define limits of conversion and test scope to hit these = potential dates. We must focus on core systems with only core changes requi= red to support day one trading.=20 6) We can only convert Estate over the weekend due to AEP / Bridgeline cons= iderations. The time window will be very small.=20 Core Conversion Team =20 1) Steve Stock - Applications 2) Bob McAuliffe - Infrastructure 3) Ziyong Wei 4) Steve Nat 5) Dave Nommensen 6) Ken Harmon 7) John Warner 8) Bob Ward .... Core Integration Test Team=20 1) Jeff Johnson 2) Iain Greig 3) Aftab Saleem 4) Terry Sanvido 5) Regan Smith Program Coordination=20 1) Jane Henry 2) Steve Simpson Next Steps For Integration Test Team 1) Due 12/20. Define integration test approach and id test script and expec= ted results templates. Owner: Aftab Saleem / Regan Smith 2) Due Jan 3. Application system flow diagram at appropriate granularity fo= r communicating flow on integration test for core systems. Owner: Terry San= vido / Steve Simpson 3) Due 12/20. Identify list of core systems for test purposes. Identify key= IT owner and key business owner and respresentative for integration test. = Owner: Iain Greig.=20 4) Due 12/21. Define integration test workplan for integration test plannin= g and execution for both Estate and New Co. Owner: Jeff Johnson 5) Ongoing. Participation in daily program management coordination meeting = at 8:30. Owners: Jeff Johnson, Iain Greig, Aftab Saleem.=20 6) Due 12/21. Organize meeting with key users and IT contacts to communciat= e foundation assumptions, context, team and approach for integration test. = Develop first cut at sample trade transaction set. Owner: Iain Greig / Afta= b Saleem.=20 7) Completed. Contact Bob Hall, Leslie Reeves, Bob Superty, Brice Baxter to= communicate above and set up meeting to begin planning with them on the in= tegration testing process. Owner: Jeff Johnson 8) Due 12/21. Refine core system list with IT owners and Business owners f= or integration test purposes. Owner: Iain Greig.=20 9) Due 12/20. Set up Integration Test folder on O drive under Infotech / De= velopment Support. Owner: Aftab Saleem.=20 Let me know if you have questions or changes. I am out tomorrow but I'm bac= k on Friday.=20 Thanks.=20