Enron Mail

Subject:RE: NETCO
Cc:charles.philpott@enron.com, neil.davies@enron.com,kathryn.schultea@enron.com, louise.kitchen@enron.com
Bcc:charles.philpott@enron.com, neil.davies@enron.com,kathryn.schultea@enron.com, louise.kitchen@enron.com
Date:Thu, 13 Dec 2001 14:18:33 -0800 (PST)


I was responding to Louise's request. I understood her request as one of id=
entifying what we used and then deciding whether it made sense to bring the=
m. If I can't have any of below systems we will be ok, but I will probably =
need one or two more people and a budget to buy a personnel database of som=
e nature.

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Koehler, Anne C. =20
Sent:=09Thursday, December 13, 2001 3:01 PM
To:=09Oxley, David
Cc:=09Philpott, Charles; Davies, Neil; Schultea, Kathryn
Subject:=09RE: NETCO

It is my understanding that SAP is not being transferred and I don't think =
the other systems are going either. Please find out from a commercial pers=
on what is contemplated on the HR side. =20

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Oxley, David =20
Sent:=09Thursday, December 13, 2001 1:44 PM
To:=09Koehler, Anne C.
Cc:=09Philpott, Charles; Davies, Neil; Schultea, Kathryn
Subject:=09FW: NETCO


Depending on who may bid, I would at least in the first instance expect we =
would be interested (for HR) in:

Referral platform

Anything I missed team?

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Kitchen, Louise =20
Sent:=09Thursday, December 13, 2001 11:16 AM
To:=09Allen, Phillip K.; Arnold, John; Arora, Harry; Belden, Tim; Black, Do=
n; Breslau, Craig; Calger, Christopher F.; Davies, Derek; Davis, Mark Dana;=
Devries, Paul; Duran, W. David; Forster, David; Foster, Chris H.; Grigsby,=
Mike; Herndon, Rogers; Lagrasta, Fred; Luce, Laura; Thomas, Jake; Milnthor=
p, Rob; Neal, Scott; Presto, Kevin M.; Shively, Hunter S.; Sturm, Fletcher =
J.; Swerzbin, Mike; Vickers, Frank; Tycholiz, Barry; Neal, Scott; Presto, K=
evin M.; Shively, Hunter S.; Sturm, Fletcher J.; Swerzbin, Mike; Vickers, F=
rank; Tycholiz, Barry; Haedicke, Mark E.; Bradford, William S.; Colwell, We=
s; Beck, Sally; Hall Jr., Robert L.; Hodges, Georgeanne; Patrick, Michael K=
.; Buy, Rick; Port, David; Oxley, David; Rub, Jenny; Webb, Jay; Forster, Da=
vid; Zufferli, John; Badeer, Robert; Rosman, Stewart; Motley, Matt; Choi, P=
aul; Heizenrader, Tim; Will, Lloyd; Arora, Harry; Gilbert-smith, Doug; Curr=
y, Mike; Duran, W. David; Robinson, Mitch; Gaskill, Chris; Le Dain, Eric; R=
edmond, Brian; Douglas, Steve H. (Tax)
Cc:=09Koehler, Anne C.; Lavorato, John; Taylor, Mark E (Legal)

As we move forward in the planning stages for NETCO we need to identify all=
systems which need to be moved or copied into the entity. We have identif=
ied the great majority of the systems to be moved but we may not be able to=
identify particular tools used by your group or you individually. This wo=
uld include spreadsheets etc.

Please send lists of systems and software required to Anne Koehler by close=
of business today.

To be clear we can (subject to the negotiation) move/copy systems and some =
data however, we CANNOT move either transaction data if counterparty specif=
ic or data obtained from a counterparty under a confidentiality agreement.

For Houston traders, Geof Storey is compiling your lists.

