Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Severance re Canada
Cc:rob.milnthorp@enron.com, michelle.cash@enron.com, peter.keohane@enron.com,louise.kitchen@enron.com
Bcc:rob.milnthorp@enron.com, michelle.cash@enron.com, peter.keohane@enron.com,louise.kitchen@enron.com
Date:Fri, 7 Dec 2001 05:15:41 -0800 (PST)

I spoke with Michelle last night and from our perspective we are OK with yo=
u going ahead today with the severance packages. I presume Louise or John h=
ave had a chance to look at names and the overall severance number.
Dawn, you need to make sure Peter has checked severance calc logic, I have =
no way of checking whether this is reasonable. Obviously it is better than =
we have been able to do for people let go here and in London (which in of i=
tself is not a concern presuming Peter/Rob agree it's reasonable and in lin=
e with what other companies have done up there).
On retention, I need to see list of proposed numbers. Ideally I'd like to h=
ave these paid with the other in Houston we are hoping to pay in the coming=
weeks. I need to discuss with Louise/John whether they agree it is OK to g=
o ahead and do the Canadian ahead of time. In theory I agree.
-----Original Message-----
From: Dawn [mailto:dawn.doucet@home.com]
Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2001 9:58 PM
To: Oxley, David
Subject: Severance re Canada

I've attached the severance calculations for the Canada employees. It's pr=
etty close to being finalized but I will be meeting with Milly in the morni=
ng for one last "kick at the cat." Then, we'll start putting together pack=
ages i.e. letter, release, benefits information, Record of Employment, etc.=
By the sound of it, Milly wants to conduct the terminations on Monday. W=
e can pull packages together by then but we'll have to discuss the process =
to determine if we can handle that many in a "careful" manner. =20
In a nutshell, my initial recommendation will be to have the supervisors me=
et with all the affected employees in their groups fairly early Monday morn=
ing and then have the employees meet with HR individually to discuss their =
packages (a schedule will be provided to each) and to answer any immediate =
questions. Tricia and I should then be able to meet with all the affected =
employees before lunch. While they wait to receive their packages, they ca=
n be cleaning out their personal belongings, saying their good-byes, etc. =
The supervisors can be close by to monitor the situation to ensure things r=
emain controlled. I would try to pull together "talking points" to assist t=
he supervisors and spend some time with them to discuss what they need to s=
ay as well as what they need to be aware of and sensitive to. For the Toron=
to employees, I would have to coordinate with the supervisors and handle th=
e package discussion over the phone. I've thought about other ways to handl=
e this but this was the best solution I could come up with - any suggestion=
s you have would be welcome?. (Am I nuts to think we can get this done on M=
We'll also get together first thing tomorrow morning to put some bonus numb=
ers together for the key employees that have not been paid yet. And, I'll =
talk to him about the idea of forward payments for transition employees (Ca=
tegory 2).
The Category "1" employees who have not been paid performance/retention bon=
uses include:
Biever, Jason=20
Lalani, Sean=20
Savidant, Mike=20
Burnham, Steve=20
Drozdiak, Dean=20
Hrap, Gerry=20
Oh, Grant=20
Sangwine, Howard=20
Tripp, Garrett=20
Borg, Jeff=20
Dorland, Dan=20
Ellis, Dave=20
Let me know if you have any concerns, David?.