Enron Mail

Date:Thu, 25 Oct 2001 10:08:39 -0700 (PDT)

Will do.

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Kitchen, Louise =20
Sent:=09Friday, October 19, 2001 4:37 PM
To:=09Hitchcock, Dorie
Cc:=09Lavorato, John

I would like to allocate the costs on everything going forward. We need tr=
ansparency on these events.



-----Original Message-----
From: =09Hitchcock, Dorie =20
Sent:=09Friday, October 19, 2001 1:38 PM
To:=09Hillis, Kimberly; Kitchen, Louise; Lavorato, John; Schoppe, Tammie; A=
llen, Phillip K.; Belden, Tim; Calger, Christopher F.; Colwell, Wes; Deffne=
r, Joseph; Duran, W. David; Haedicke, Mark E.; Kishkill, Joe; Arnold, John;=
Arora, Harry; Baughman, Edward D.; Black, Don; Breslau, Craig; Clifford, D=
ouglas; Collonges, Remi; Davies, Derek; Dayao, Anthony; Devries, Paul; Fors=
ter, David; Foster, Chris H.; Gonzalez, Orlando; Grigsby, Mike; Hedstrom, P=
eggy; Herndon, Rogers; Josey, Scott; Keel, Allan; Keohane, Peter; Kitagawa,=
Kyle; Lagrasta, Fred; Luce, Laura; Martin, Thomas A.; Mcdonald, Michael; M=
cMichael Jr., Ed; Miller, Don (Asset Mktg); Mrha, Jean; Neal, Scott; Oxley,=
David; Parquet, David; Presto, Kevin M.; Scott, Laura; Shively, Hunter S.;=
Sturm, Fletcher J.; Swerzbin, Mike; Thomas, Jake; Tricoli, Carl; Tycholiz,=
Barry; Vickers, Frank; Whitt, Mark; Wiggs, Brett; Zipper, Andy; Zufferli, =
John; Burns, Jennifer; Mcconnell, Mike; Phillips, Cathy; Shankman, Jeffrey =
A.; Hickerson, Gary; Mcclellan, George; Aronowitz, Alan; Beyer, Michael J; =
Blesie, Brad; Bradley, Michael; Clarke, Niamh; Curran, Greg; Forness, Bob; =
Gonzales, Eric; Harris, Clay; Hirl, Joseph; Kravas, Christopher; Lawyer, La=
rry; Leach, Doug; Lewis, Jim; Lien, Thor; Maffett, Randal; Mahoney, Chris; =
Mcgowan, Kevin; Nowlan Jr., John L.; Price, Brent A.; Quilkey, Paul; Reck, =
Daniel; Schroeder Jr., Don; Schroeder, Mark; Sekse, Per; Tawney, Mark; Whit=
e, Bill; Whitehead, Jonathan; Wilson, John L.; Bowen Jr., Raymond; Ford, Su=
e; McMahon, Jeffrey; Schiller, Marsha; Battaglia, Tim; Brown, Becky; Brown,=
Bill W.; Burgher, Cedric; Castleman, Kent; Crane, Bob; Garner, Bruce; Herm=
ans, Greg; Holzer, Eric; Howe, Bob; Kelemen, Andy; Malcolm, Rodney; Noel, T=
hierry; Reed, Andrea V.; Saltiel, Robert; Young, Steve
Cc:=09Assaf, Lisa; Burry, Jessica; Cappelletto, Nella; Chatterton, Jill; Cl=
yatt, Julie; Collins, Angie; Crawford, Sharon; Davidson, Debra; Deas, Patty=
; Gawiuk, Carlee; Gustafson, Mollie; Hrach, April; Huculiak, Lindsey; McCul=
loch, Angela; McIsaac, Lisa; Mehrer, Anna; O'Neil, Carla; Sheppard, Kathryn=
; Tu, Cindy; Zavala, Cristina; Armstrong, Kristy; Baker, Donna; Coneway, Be=
tty J.; Ford, Yolanda; Foust, Sue; Frenzel, Delores Y.; Isbell, Shirley; Jo=
nes, Carmella; Palmer, Rhonna; Ramos, Salisha; Solis, Gloria; Stokes, Cindy=
; Taylor, Helen; Templeton, Kelly; Travis, Jackie; Villanueva, Chantelle; Z=
och, Judy; Aguilar, Elsa; Alcantara, Ana; Baldwin, Sherri; Basinski, Jennif=
er; Bertone, Mirella; Castillo, Rosie; Craig, Braedi; English, Patricia; Gu=
tierrez, Laura; Miller, Sylvia; Morado, Christina; Reyna, Sarah; Sauseda, S=
ylvia; Serwin, Rebecca; Trevino, Dora; Watson, Jennifer; Weldon, Kim

The PGA Tour Championship will be held at the Champions Golf Club on Octobe=
r 29 - November 4, 2001. This year, EES and EWS have joined together to pr=
ovide a unique customer entertainment option at this event. Instead of the=
normal hospitality tent at the course, we have obtained a house that overl=
ooks the 18th fairway and 17th tee box. Food, beverages and shuttle servic=
e will be provided daily. Due to security issues, no personal cars will be=
allowed to park at the house. Attached is the preliminary program agenda =
and shuttle service information.

EWS has access to 25 tickets daily. =20

To order tickets, please send an E-Mail Request to Laura Pena including the=
following information:
Name, title and location of requestor
Company name=09=09
Department name
Number of tickets
(No charge will be allocated to individual cost centers)

<< File: 01tourchampagenda.doc <<=20
Dorie Hitchcock
Event Manager
1400 Smith Street
Suite 3640a
Houston, TX 77002
Telephone: (713) 853-6978
Fax: (713) 646-5800
Cell: (713) 594-7093
E-Mail: dorie.hitchcock@enron.com