Enron Mail

Subject:FW: A/S Line Agreement
Date:Tue, 29 May 2001 22:55:00 -0700 (PDT)

Louise, - Hello=20

I have attached the draft of the indemnity Anne sent to AEP last week. Thi=
s is still under discussion as AEP has not yet commented on this draft. =
We expect to get their initial comments tomorrow after AEP arrives and meet=
s with their counsel.

The A/S line resolution is now the critical path item and the note below is=
a discussion of the current status of the A/S Line and where we want to en=
d up with AEP =20


-----Original Message-----
From: =09Koehler, Anne =20
Sent:=09Friday, May 25, 2001 3:29 PM
Cc:=09dkpenrod@aep.com; DOUGLAS EYBERG; gmprescott@aep.com; Jwseidensticker=
@aep.com; Gray, Barbara; Redmond, Brian; chriscollins@velaw.com
Subject:=09Re: A/S Line Agreement and Entex Performance Guarantee


Attached hereto are (i) Form of letter agreement regarding the handling of =
archived files and (ii) Draft of a Second Amendment to the Purchase and Sal=
e Agreement reflecting the parties agreement regarding the A/S Line. Pleas=
e review and call with any questions or comments.



Anne C. Koehler
Sr. Counsel, ENA
EB 3839

=09"MICHAEL WALLER" <MWALLER@LLGM.COM< 05/25/2001 01:01 PM =09 To: Anne.C=
.Koehler@enron.com cc: dkpenrod@aep.com, gmprescott@aep.com, Jwseidenstick=
er@aep.com, "DOUGLAS EYBERG" <Doug.Eyberg@LLGM.COM< Subject: Re: A/S Line =
Agreement and Entex Performance Guarantee=09


Thanks for the prompt response.

I have some concerns about the Performance Guaranty. The guaranty document=
covers three specific contracts (referred to as "Transaction Agreements"),=
but those contracts are not identified in the performance guaranty by cont=
ract number. I have reviewed Schedule 4.13 and think I have identified the=
three contracts as #96019120, #9604582 and #96002879, and I note that all =
of these contracts are also listed as "Newco Contracts on Schedule 4.13. H=
owever, the parties to these three contracts as listed in Schedule 4.13 doe=
sn't match the designation of the parties in the performance guaranty. Obv=
iously the three contracts have "changed hands" on both sides, i.e., seller=
and buyer. Since the performance agreement is an existing obligation of =
HPL, there must be a set of records that clearly traces and memorializes th=
e changes in the guaranteed obligations, and we must see that set of record=
s before AEP can finally determine how to address the performance agreement=
. Obviously AEP doesn't want to create any unnecessary problems with Entex=
as the beneficiary of the guaranty, but I want to be sure that this arrang=
ement doesn't need some attention in connection with the closing. If you c=
an make the relevant records available I'll very promptly review them and w=
e can then decide if anything needs to be done before the closing.

Thanks for your help.


Michael R. Waller
LeBoeuf, Lamb, Greene & MacRae
1000 Louisiana Street, Suite 1400
Houston, Texas 77002
e-mail address: mwaller@llgm.com
(713) 287-2015

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