Enron Mail

To:louise.kitchen@enron.com, john.lavorato@enron.com, m..presto@enron.com,jeff.richter@enron.com, p..o'neil@enron.com, don.black@enron.com
Subject:Dale Furrow Interview
Date:Thu, 19 Jul 2001 10:31:11 -0700 (PDT)

Many of you know Dale Furrow already. For those who don't, he ran our structuring group in Portland from late 1997 until the middle of 1999. He's an Army Grad, Wharton Grad, went through the Associate program and left Enron as a Director to join Entergy's Asset Development group working for Jeff Roberts. He recently tendered his resignation at Entergy and is on the job market. He is leaving Entergy on good terms -- he simply decided that he doesn't like working there for a variety of reasons.

Dale has a great background for many of the EES/EWS work that we are trying to do now. He was an AWESOME structurer. He "gets" trading. He was responsible for the development and implementation of Entergy Power Marketing's risk systems. In short, he would be a great catch for us.

I will be in Houston Monday and Tuesday of next week. I will interview Dale on Tuesday. I know that Louise and John are in PRC on Tuesday, so they would have to do it later. Perhaps the rest of us could meet him on Tuesday.

I don't yet have a specific job nailed down for him. I think that he could run a URM desk (east or west). He could run the site profile, asset profile, dsm group. I would expect that he would expect to come in at a VP level. I know that's a high bar and hard to do here, which is why I would want this group of people to meet with him. I have asked Debra Davidson to contact each of you to coordinate these interviews.
