Enron Mail

To:louise.kitchen@enron.com, geoff.storey@enron.com, mark.pickering@enron.com,beth.perlman@enron.com, stephen.stock@enron.com
Subject:GTV project weekly status update
Date:Wed, 10 Oct 2001 14:39:19 -0700 (PDT)

Please find below the weekly project status update for GTV and the attached file for the updated project timeline. Changes are underlined.

GTV status meeting attendees: Thu Dang, Nayan Dattani, Bill Fortney, Jeff Gossett, George Grant, Brad Jones, Jay Krish, Francis Lim, Russ Severson, Geoff Storey, Michael Swaim, Zhiyong Wei, Jeremy Wong.

? GTV2 Phase 1 items
o Released to production.
? Saving different views in TDS:
o Released to production.
? Capability for desk roll-ups on an ad hoc basis (phase 2, on hold since 7/9/01):
o New process for roll-up aggregators has been completed.
? Option Grid (phase 2):
o Released to production.
? Gas Daily options (phase 2):
o Released to production.
? Basis Options (phase 2):
o Development of deal entry type for Basis Options has been completed in TAGG.
o Development of loading correlation curves has been completed.
o Changes to the Translator have been completed.
o Development of Portcalc valuation of Basis Spread Options completed.
? Options reports
o Completed development of Vega P&L, Vega Sensitivity, and Delta Position reports.
? Transport Deal Capture & Valuation (phase 2):
o Creation of new deal entry type & database changes has been completed.
o Changes to the Translator have been completed.
? Add more information to the drill-down deal details.
o Released to production.
? New Flexible Deal Viewer.
o Database schema design completed.
o Initial Load of active Deals from Sitara completed.
o TIBCO work completed.
o Units of Measure conversions completed.
o Update of active deals from Sitara completed.
o Development of Query Engine completed.
o Development of Delphi feed to Excel completed.
o Schema mapping completed.
o Initial loading of active deals from TAGG completed.
o 3 new requests (from last Wednesday's demo) for Update Server completed.
o Completed Development of Excel VB.
o Completed remaining new request for Update Server (SIC codes).
o Completed development of update of active deals from TAGG.
? Screening Volume Feedback in TDS Deal Ticker.
o Completed database changes in Stage and Parallel.
o Completed modifying CPR Reader to handle process flag.
o Completed modify database triggers.
o Completed make changes to CPR Bridge.
o Completed modify CPR Reader to handle process flag.
o Completed implement delete logic in CPR Reader to clean up old deals.
o Completed changing View Aggregation to resend deals when requested.
o Completed modifying View Aggregator to request sending deals.
o Completed modifying TDS Deal Ticker to show deal term changes.
? Implementing TDS in Calgary office
o Discussed efforts needed for implementing TDS for Calgary office.
? Investigate ways of improving EOL bridging to Sitara and TAGG for term physical deals.
o Started discussion and needs further investigation.

Plans for the week ending 10/12/01:
? Continue IT development of Phase II issues.
o Complete development of Portcalc to value Transport deals.
o Continue testing of Basis Options.
o Develop and complete curve shift report.
? New Flexible Deal Viewer.
o Continue user acceptance testing.
o Develop requested enhancement and resolve some issues uncovered.
? Screening volume feedback in TDS Deal Ticker.
o Start and complete integration testing.
? Implementing TDS in Calgary office
o Detailed timeline estimate.

? None.

? Calgary still needs to test Y-Calc.
Some enhancement to the Flexible Deal Viewer and Sitara has been discussed. IT group is going to investigate the requirements and development efforts.

