Enron Mail

Subject:FW: Marathon Meetings
Date:Wed, 11 Jul 2001 12:02:18 -0700 (PDT)


Knowing that Production Offshore has had various client meetings with Marat=
hon, I asked Kevin Miller to craft this email articulating who he had been =
dealing with and in what capacity. Earlier this morning, I spoke with Tamm=
ie and she informed me that the Marathon meeting would be with Steve Lowden=
. Kevin knows that this email is being forwarded to you and that this note =
is for information purposes only. Although he is the Producer One product =
specialist, he does not expect to be at the meeting that you are arranging =
with Marathon.

Regards, Jean
-----Original Message-----
From: =09Miller, Kevin =20
Sent:=09Wednesday, July 11, 2001 11:51 AM
To:=09Mrha, Jean
Cc:=09Loch, Ken
Subject:=09Marathon Meetings


As you know we have had several meetings with Marathon at various levels to=
discuss mainly offshore projects. Our initial meetings were with senior m=
anagement to discuss deepwater projects and utilization of existing Maratho=
n infrastructure. David Golder, Sr. VP Commercialization and Development, =
was the highest level Marathon executive that at we have had discussions. =
Most recently, I have contacted Pat Kuntz, VP Natural Gas and Crude Oil Sal=
es, to set up a luncheon and discuss Enron's decision to not pursue deepwat=
er infrastructure transactions and introduce the Producer One product. Th=
is seemed like a reasonable way to introduce the Producer One product and c=
lose out the deepwater business with Marathon. Over the past nine months w=
e have had several meetings and a dinner party over the Christmas Holidays.=
If you are going to meet with some of the same Marathon senior management=
that we have had previous discussions it might be desirable to have Ken or=
I present for continuity. =20

Thanks ... Kevin =20
