Enron Mail

Subject:Marathon Confidentiality Agreement
Cc:t..hodge@enron.com, louise.kitchen@enron.com
Bcc:t..hodge@enron.com, louise.kitchen@enron.com
Date:Tue, 21 Aug 2001 10:47:23 -0700 (PDT)


Please find attached our C.A. with Marathon's modifications. After receiving appropriate legal examination, I would like to turn around this C.A. A.S.A.P. (i.e., today).

Best Regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: Baillargeon, Paul R. [mailto:PRBaillargeon@MarathonOil.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2001 5:44 AM
To: Mrha, Jean
Cc: Madro, Walt J.; Lowden, Steve J.
Subject: RE: Asset Management Outsourcing Arrangement Proposal


Thanks for your note. Please find attached the CA with some minor
changes. If acceptable please sign and return two copies for our
signature. Also on a separate note, we have named a manager to pursue
this strategy going forward. I would like to introduce you to Walt Madro
on my return at the end of the week.



-----Original Message-----
From: Mrha, Jean [mailto:Jean.Mrha@ENRON.com]
Sent: Monday, August 20, 2001 6:41 PM
To: Baillargeon, Paul R.
Subject: Asset Management Outsourcing Arrangement Proposal
Importance: High


As promised last week, please find attached to this correspondence a
draft term sheet which outlines six potential asset management
outsourcing arrangements. These various proposal structures signify
initial steps representing general commercial concepts to be further
refined by a transaction team.

I know that you are out until Wednesday, but I would be interested in
the status of the Confidentiality Agreement within Marathon's legal

I look forward to hearing from you.



<<Outsourcing Proposal Structures.doc<<

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