Enron Mail

To:wes.colwell@enron.com, louise.kitchen@enron.com
Subject:FW: INFO: Please Read -- Feb 1 Churn
Date:Fri, 25 Jan 2002 10:03:16 -0800 (PST)

Given that the lists are not final I find it difficult to expect that we can make a deadline of Monday at 2:00. Are you willing to consider the churn on Feb 8 & 9?

Please advise ASAP.


-----Original Message-----
From: Cox, Paige
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2002 11:55 AM
To: Shepperd, Tammy R.
Cc: Elliott, Clay; Duree, Janelle; Sustaita, Dolores; Link, Kathy; Adamik, Darren
Subject: INFO: Please Read -- Feb 1 Churn
Importance: High

Tammy --

Janelle and I met this morning regarding the churn for ECS05/06 et al.

In order to be able to meet the deadline of next weekend, we will have to have all churns submitted no later than Monday, January 28 @ 2:00 pm. We will not be able to allow any adds/changes past that point.

Should we be unable to meet the deadline at 2:00 on Monday we will need to look at pushing back a week. One option might be (if all churns aren't submitted on time) to move all non UBS people off of ECS 05 & 06 on the 2/1 weekend, and then "shuffle" every eon else the following

thanks, call me if you have any questions


S. Paige Cox
Global Infrastructure
Enron Net Works
office: 713-853-5428
cell: 281-830-1111