Enron Mail

Subject:Gold Card Events - *NSYNC
Date:Wed, 30 Jan 2002 23:40:58 -0800 (PST)

[IMAGE] American Express Gold Card Events [IMAGE] Dear Louise: America=
n Express
Gold Card Events offers you prime tickets to some of the nation's hottest =
entertainment events, an exclusive benefit for American Express Gold Card, =
Platinum Card
, Centurion
Card, Corporate Centurion
Card, Corporate Platinum
Card and Executive Corporate Card for Small Business members. For select C=
ardmembers like you, American Express is making access to these prime ticke=
ts easier than ever. You will receive regular e-mail updates notifying you =
of upcoming events, in some cases before the shows have been announced to t=
he general public. If you do not wish to receive these e-mail updates, plea=
se see the instructions at the bottom of this email. LOOK FOR THIS WEEK=
EW YORK! To view new events ([IMAGE]) or link to a complete listing of =
Gold Card events already on sale, please select a city: [IMAGE] Atlanta =
[IMAGE] Select Florida Cities [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Phoenix [IMAGE] [IMAGE=
] Boston [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Houston [IMAGE] St. Louis [IMAGE] Charlotte=
[IMAGE] Los Angeles [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Washington, DC [IMAGE] Chicago =
[IMAGE] [IMAGE] New York [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Other Cities [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =
Dallas [IMAGE] Philadelphia [IMAGE] Please visit Other Cities to=
view events in Hartford, Salt Lake City & San Antonio. [IMAGE] Atlant=
a Return to Top [IMAGE] Click here to view all Gold Card Events in=
Atlanta presently on sale. [IMAGE] Boston Return to Top [IMAGE]=
BUSH with DEFAULT Orpheum Theatre Tuesday, March 12 at 7:30PM $37.50 Ti=
ckets on sale Friday, February 1 at 10AM Call for tickets: 800-786-GOLD =
ALISON KRAUSS & UNION STATION Orpheum Theatre Saturday, April 20 at 7:30P=
M $33.50 & $40 Tickets on sale Monday, February 4 at 10AM Call for tickets:=
800-786-GOLD Click here to view all Gold Card Events in Boston presen=
tly on sale. [IMAGE] Charlotte Return to Top [IMAGE] Click he=
re to view all Gold Card Events in Charlotte presently on sale. [IMAGE]=
Y PARTY Rosemont Theatre March 15 - 24 $29.50 Tickets on sale now Call for=
Get Tickets Before the General Public! Proof, David Auburn's Tony Award
and Pulitzer Prize-winning drama directed by Daniel Sullivan, tells the st=
ory of an enigmatic young woman, her manipulative sister, their brilliant f=
ather and an unexpected suitor, all of whom are pieces of the puzzle in the=
search for truth behind a mysterious mathematical proof. Heralded by criti=
cs as "the best play on Broadway" (Hollywood Reporter), The New York Times =
proclaims: "Exhilarating. As accessible and compelling as a detective story=
." Entertainment Weekly said: "A thrilling evening. If you've seen a better=
new play this year, call me. Grade 'A'." You can purchase tickets before =
they go on sale to the general public with the American Express Gold Card, =
Platinum Card, Centurion Card, and select Corporate Cards for Small Busines=
s. But hurry, you must order by February 7 to get first choice of the best=
seats in the house! Shubert Theatre March 26 - April 7 $22 - $65 Tickets =
on sale Friday, February 1 at 10AM Call for tickets: 312-831-GOLD Exclusive=
offer expires February 7 *NSYNC Allstate Arena Thursday, April 4 at 7=
:30PM $74.50 & $110 Tickets on sale Saturday, February 2 at 10AM Call for t=
ickets: 312-831-GOLD Click here to view all Gold Card Events in Chica=
go presently on sale. [IMAGE] Dallas Return to Top [IMAGE] Cl=
ick here to view all Gold Card Events in Dallas presently on sale. [IMA=
GE] Florida Return to Top [IMAGE] AARON CARTER Lakeland Center A=
rena (Lakeland) Saturday, March 16 at 7PM $35.75 Tickets on sale now Call f=
or tickets: 800-NOW-AMEX Click here to view all Gold Card Events in F=
lorida presently on sale. [IMAGE] Houston Return to Top [IMAGE] =
Click here to view all Gold Card Events in Houston presently on sale. =
[IMAGE] Los Angeles Return to Top [IMAGE] *NSYNC Arrowhead Pon=
d of Anaheim (Anaheim) Tuesday, March 12 at 7:30PM $115 Tickets on sale now=
Call for tickets: 213-365-AMEX NATALIE MERCHANT Thousand Oaks Civic A=
rts Plaza (Thousand Oaks) Monday, March 25 at 8PM $40 Tickets on sale Frida=
y, February 1 at 10AM Call for tickets: 213-365-AMEX Click here to vi=
ew all Gold Card Events in Los Angeles presently on sale. [IMAGE] New=
York Return to Top [IMAGE] ONE MO' TIME Take a trip back in time t=
o steamy, seamy '20s New Orleans - the setting for Broadway's good-time mus=
ical, One Mo' Time. Bigger, bawdier and better than ever, One Mo' Time is =
coming to Broadway. Time Magazine raves it's "a hot, wild, rousing delight=
." With show-stopping numbers like "C.C. Rider," "Down in Honky Town," "Th=
ere'll Be a Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight" and many more! Don't miss the=
opportunity to secure prime seats to this smash hit musical. Longacre The=
atre February 21 - June 21 $75 Tickets on sale now Call for tickets: 800-29=
2-9465 FINBAR WRIGHT Town Hall Saturday, March 9 at 8PM $40 Tickets on=
sale Friday, February 1 at noon Call for tickets: 212-307-GOLD *NSYNC =
Nassau Coliseum (Uniondale) Wednesday, April 10 at 7:30PM $77 Tickets on s=
ale Friday, February 1 at 9AM Call for tickets: 212-307-GOLD *NSYNC Co=
ntinental Airlines Arena (East Rutherford, NJ) Saturday, April 13 at 7:30PM=
$77 Tickets on sale Friday, February 1 at 9AM Call for tickets: 212-307-GO=
LD B.B. KING BLUES CLUB & GRILL American Express has reserved a limite=
d number of prime seats for every seated performance at B.B. King Blues Clu=
b & Grill, allowing you to experience an evening at one of New York's newes=
t clubs from some of the best seats in the house! Gold Card Events preferre=
d seating is limited, and available only for tickets purchased in advance, =
so call now to order tickets. Please mention your name at the door for spec=
ial seating. The following shows at B.B. King Blues Club & Grill are on sa=
le now. Please call 212-307-GOLD for tickets: BO DIDDLEY with THE DEBBY HA=
STINGS BAND Thursday, February 7 at 8PM & 10PM $30 DAVE MASON & ERIC BURDO=
N Friday, February 8 & Saturday, February 9 at 8PM $30 RATT featuring STEP=
HEN PEARCY Wednesday, February 13 at 9PM $15 VALENTINE'S EVENING with OLET=
A ADAMS Thursday, February 14 at 8PM & 10PM $30 THE TEMPTATIONS REVIEW fea=
turing DENNIS EDWARDS Friday, February 15 at 8PM & 10PM $30 PONCHO SANCHEZ=
Saturday, February 16 at 8PM & 10PM Sunday, February 17 at 8PM $25 Cl=
ick here to view all Gold Card Events in New York presently on sale. [I=
MAGE] Philadelphia Return to Top [IMAGE] ELTON JOHN AND TIM RICE'=
S AIDA Get Tickets Before the General Public! The winner of four 2000 Ton=
y Awards
, Aida is a new musical love story bursting with contemporary energy that t=
ells the story of Aida, a Nubian princess stolen from her country, Amneris,=
an Egyptian princess, and Radames, the soldier they both love. For a limi=
ted time only, you have first choice of some of the best seats in the house=
. Don't miss your chance to purchase tickets before they go on sale to the=
general public! Forrest Theatre June 12 - July 7 $75 Tickets on sale now =
Call for tickets: 800-292-9465 Exclusive Offer expires February 17 *NSY=
NC First Union Center Thursday, April 18 at 7:30PM $72.50 Tickets on sale =
Saturday, February 2 at 10AM Call for tickets: 215-735-GOLD Click here=
to view all Gold Card Events in Philadelphia presently on sale. [IMAGE=
] Phoenix Return to Top [IMAGE] MARY J. BLIGE with AVANT Gammage=
Auditorium (Tempe) Sunday, March 3 at 8PM $60 Tickets on sale now Call for=
tickets: 800-559-AMEX *NSYNC with GINUWINE America West Arena Thursda=
y, March 14 at 7:30PM $75 Tickets on sale Saturday, February 2 at 10AM Call=
for tickets: 800-559-AMEX Click here to view all Gold Card Events in=
Phoenix presently on sale. [IMAGE] St. Louis Return to Top [IMA=
GE] Click here to view all Gold Card Events in St. Louis presently on s=
ale. [IMAGE] Washington, DC Return to Top [IMAGE] Click her=
e to view all Gold Card Events in Washington, DC presently on sale. [IM=
AGE] Other Cities Return to Top [IMAGE] Hartford KENNY CHESNEY=
with SARA EVANS ctnow.com Oakdale Theatre (Wallingford) Sunday, March 3 a=
t 7:30PM $38.50 & $48.50 Tickets on sale Saturday, February 2 at 10AM Call =
for tickets: 203-265-2800 DIANA KRALL ctnow.com Oakdale Theatre (Wall=
ingford) Saturday, April 6 at 7:30PM $41.50 & $51.50 Tickets on sale Monday=
, February 4 at 10AM Call for tickets: 203-265-2800 Salt Lake City =
2002 WINTER OLYMPICS - Closing Ceremony The Closing Ceremony at Rice-Eccle=
s Olympic Stadium will feature everything from rock, jazz and soul by some =
of the biggest names in entertainment to spectacular athletic talents on ic=
e with past Olympians. An extraordinary and diverse collection of musical =
talent will gather together for the first time in the spirit of friendship,=
peace and unity of the 2002 Olympic Winter Games. Headliner groups includ=
e *NSYNC, Christina Aguilera, Bon Jovi, Harry Connick, Jr., and a duet with=
Charlotte Church and Josh Groban. For a limited time, great seats can be =
purchased at a 10% discount. Don't miss this amazing opportunity to see th=
e closing of the 2002 Winter Olympic Games. Rice-Eccles Olympic Stadium Su=
nday, February 24 at 6PM $800 (regular price $885) Tickets on sale Friday, =
February 1 at 3PM Call for tickets: 800-448-TIKS Offer expires February 8 =
San Antonio *NSYNC Alamodome Tuesday, March 19 at 7:30PM $66.50 Tic=
kets on sale Saturday, February 2 at noon Call for tickets: 877-640-GOLD =
[IMAGE] [IMAGE] Please note that unless otherwise noted, orders for these=
events will not be accepted via e-mail. If you are interested in purchasin=
g tickets for any event, please call the number listed by that event. The =
Gold Card Events program is available to American Express Gold Card, Plati=
num Card
, Centurion
Card, Corporate Centurion
Card, Corporate Platinum
Card and Executive Corporate Card for Small Business members. For informat=
ion on all Gold Card Events visit the American Express
website . All tickets subject to availability and prior group sales and a=
ll orders subject to applicable service charges. These offers do not apply =
to the American Express Gold Corporate Card, Optima
Platinum Card
, or Gold Optima Card. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] TO UNSUBSCRIBE This e-=
mail was sent to LOUISE@ENRON.COM. If you received this e-mail at a differe=
nt address, this e-mail message was forwarded. If you do not wish to receiv=
e future e-mail offers from American Express Gold Card Events, please hit t=
he reply button and let us know by typing the word "REMOVE" and include LOU=
ISE@ENRON.COM in the subject line. Please allow 4 weeks for American Expres=
s to update your request to unsubscribe. Please visit the American Express =
Privacy Statement to set, review or change preferences regarding the type=
of email offers you want to receive. Return to Top American Express =