Enron Mail

Subject:International Futures Industry Conference
Date:Wed, 6 Feb 2002 08:23:36 -0800 (PST)

=09 [IMAGE] =09 International Futures Industry Conference March 13-16=
, 2002 Boca Raton Resort & Club Boca Raton, Florida =09

Special Events New York Exchanges Breakfast International Breakfast =
Chicago Exchanges Congressional Breakfast OneChicago Reception Eurex La=
te Night FIA Beach Party BrokerTec, Bank of America and Reuters Golf T=
ournament =09 Boca Home Program Registration Sponsorship Opportun=
ities Exhibitor Opportunities Hotel/Car Reservations Press Registra=
tion =09
=09 Keynote Speakers Peter R. Fisher, Under Secretary of the Treasury for=
Domestic Finance Peter R. Fisher is the senior advisor to the Treasury Se=
cretary and the Deputy Secretary on all aspects of domestic finance. Prior=
to joining the Treasury Department, Fisher was executive vice president o=
f the Federal Reserve Bank of New York where he was the point person for L=
TCM. James E. Newsome, Chairman, Commodity Futures Trading Commission Jam=
es E. Newsome was confirmed as Chairman of the CFTC on December 20. He ser=
ved as Acting Chairman from January 20, 2001 until he was confirmed. It is=
traditional for the CFTC Chairman to share the Commission's views and pri=
orities with Boca delegates. Program Highlights Markets 2002: The Next =
Generation New products, exchange structure, technology and customer deman=
d are pushing futures into a more horizontal position, forcing integration=
of cash, over-the-counter and futures markets. At the same time, exchange=
demutualization, consolidation and profit orientation are changing the wa=
y intermediaries view markets. What does this mean for end-users? What are=
the barriers for further market integration? What are the opportunities f=
or market participants? Session I: The Customer Perspective Session II: Th=
e Exchange Perspective The Energy Markets Post-Enron Regulated and deale=
r market participants will discuss how the world of energy trading has ch=
anged since the collapse of Enron and the possible ramifications. The Fut=
ure of Clearing Consolidation in Europe, technology, market convergence, =
exchange demutualization, new players?how have these events impacted the o=
utlook for clearing? Does consolidation increase or decrease risk to the m=
arketplace? How have security futures products impacted clearing for futur=
es customers? FIA Futures Services Division presents Trading Security Fu=
tures With the launch just a few weeks away, what is the latest informatio=
n on the products and the way they will be traded? This session will addre=
ss market makers, payment for order flow, best execution and other factors=
that make these products unique. Plus how these products will be used and=
who will trade them. Washington Outlook Program Senators and members o=
f Congress share their views with the Boca audience on the war on terroris=
m, money laundering, the fall of Enron ?they will have much to talk about =
this year! Plus: Trading Platforms Disaster Recovery Use of Money Ma=
rket Funds as Collateral Law & Compliance Division Session =09

=09 [IMAGE] =09=09
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