Enron Mail

To:chris.abel@enron.com, naveen.andrews@enron.com, beth.apollo@enron.com,sally.beck@enron.com, tim.belden@enron.com, raymond.bowen@enron.com, s..bradford@enron.com, loretta.brooks@enron.com, rick.buy@enron.com, kent.castleman@enron.com, richard.causey@en
Subject:RE: DPR reporting - update on timing
Date:Fri, 28 Dec 2001 11:35:20 -0800 (PST)

The preliminary should be out by the end of the day on the 2nd of January, =
not the 1st as noted below.

Sorry for the confusion.


-----Original Message-----
From: =09Wilson, Shona =20
Sent:=09Friday, December 28, 2001 9:14 AM
To:=09Abel, Chris; Andrews, Naveen; Apollo, Beth; Beck, Sally; Belden, Tim;=
Bowen Jr., Raymond; Bradford, William S.; Brooks, Loretta; Buy, Rick; Cast=
leman, Kent; Causey, Richard; Cockrell, Rainier; Colwell, Wes; Curry, Wanda=
; Day, Misti; Delainey, David W.; Dietrich, Janet; Fallon, Jim; Frevert, Ma=
rk; Gold, Joe; Gossett, Jeffrey C.; Haedicke, Mark E.; Hagelmann, Bjorn; Ha=
ll, D. Todd; Hanson, Kristen J.; Hardy, Trey; Hayden, Frank; Helton, Susan;=
Hickerson, Gary; Hillis, Kimberly; Hodges, Georgeanne; Kaminski, Vince J; =
Kass, Michael; Kathol, Sherri; Killen, Faith; Kitchen, Louise; Lavorato, Jo=
hn; Lay, Kenneth; McKinney, Hal; McMahon, Jeffrey; Mills, Scott; Moscoso, M=
ichael E.; Murphy, Ted; New, James; Piper, Greg; Port, David; Presto, Kevin=
M.; Schmidt, Darin; Schoppe, Tammie; Shepperd, Tammy R.; Talley, Darin; Ue=
ckert, Allen W.; Valdez, Veronica; Whalley, Greg; White, Stacey W.; Whiting=
, Greg; Albrecht, Kristin; Ayala, Susie; Best, John; Brackett, Debbie R.; B=
ranem Hansen, Trond; Brown, Matt A.; Bruce, Michelle; Carrington, Clara; Ch=
ang, Fran; Chew, Carol; Evans, Casey; Fondren, Mark; Gillis, Brian; Keiser,=
Kam; Latham, Jenny; Leuschen, Sam; Lewis, Jon Paul; Mason, Heidi; Miralle=
s, Albert; Oliver, David; Powell, John D.; Prejean, Frank; Ramesh, Ganapath=
y; Reeves, Kathy; Swinney, John; Taylor, Dimitri; Thomas, Sheri; Thrane-Nie=
lsen, Didrik; Trevino, Susan; Vinson, Donald Wayne
Subject:=09DPR reporting

Plans for the reporting of the consolidated DPR are:

For trading date Friday, December 28th - No DPR
For trading date Monday, December 31st - Our goal is to publish this in pre=
liminary form by the end of the day Monday, 1/1/02 Tuesday, 1/2/02 .

Please call me if you have questions or comments about this reporting sched=

I wish you all a happy New Year.


Shona Wilson
Director, Global Risk Operations