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Subject:Today's Headlines from NYTimes.com Monday, December 24, 2001
Date:Mon, 24 Dec 2001 04:54:22 -0800 (PST)

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December 24, 2001 QUOTE OF THE DAY "When reboarding they went through =
everything. They went through our bags, they made us take our shoes off, bu=
t nobody complained." GEOFFREY BISSEN, who was on the flight with a man wi=
th explosives in his shoes. TolkienArchives Examine the World of J. R. R.=
Tolkien - This sponsored feature includes articles from the New York Times=
archives, slide shows of Tolkien's artwork, multimedia presentations from =
New Line Cinema, weekly trivia quizzes and more. Explore Tolkien Today .=
NATIONAL F.B.I. Tests Find Explosive in Shoes of Jet Passenger Tests =
confirmed that explosives packed with wires had been hidden in the sneakers=
of a passenger on a Miami-bound jetliner that was forced to land in Boston=
on Saturday. A 'Strange' Traveler Acted, and the Passengers Reacted The=
passengers of American Airlines Flight 63 arrived in Miami on Sunday, reli=
eved that their resolve had apparently averted a midair catastrophe. San =
Francisco AIDS Debate Leads to Criminal Charges Two advocates for people w=
ith AIDS have been charged with more than 30 counts of harassing health off=
icials, researchers, and newspaper reporters. MORE NATIONAL NEWS Adve=
rtisement Listen To A Christmas Best Seller - Just $1.95! Happy Holidays=
from Audible. As our special present to you, you can download and listen =
to a great holiday classic like A Christmas Carol or a new favorite like Sk=
ipping Christmas by John Grisham - for just $1.95. Simply download to your=
computer and listen on your computer, MP3 player or Pocket PC. Take your =
first selection for just $1.95! Act now. [IMAGE] INTERNATIONAL Kash=
mir's Islamic Guerrillas See Little to Fear From U.S. Islamic guerrillas i=
n Pakistan who challenge India's rule over Kashmir appear unconcerned that =
they could be the next target in America's war on terror. Argentine Leade=
r Declares Default on $132 Billion Debt After a week of riots, Argentina's=
interim president declared a default on the country's debt and promised t=
o use the money saved to create jobs and fortify social programs. New Afg=
han Leaders Begin Tough Tasks Afghanistan's new interim cabinet meeting fo=
cused its attention to the country's continuing security problems, with min=
isters reporting on the conditions in their provinces. MORE INTERNATION=
AL NEWS BUSINESS 'You've Got Mail,' More and More, and Mostly, It Is Jun=
k Unsolicited commercial e-mail, best known by its pejorative appellatio=
n, spam, has been annoying Internet users for years. But in the last three =
months, spam has spiked. Hewlett Aims to Replace the Print Shop Hewlett-=
Packard hopes to extend the reach of its printing and imaging division, w=
hich rang up $20 billion in sales this year. Demand Grows for Net Service=
at High Speed Despite lackluster performance by high-speed Internet compa=
nies, Americans are still eager to get broadband Internet access. MORE =
BUSINESS NEWS TECHNOLOGY 'You've Got Mail,' More and More, and Mostly, I=
t Is Junk Unsolicited commercial e-mail, best known by its pejorative ap=
pellation, spam, has been annoying Internet users for years. But in the las=
t three months, spam has spiked. Hewlett Aims to Replace the Print Shop =
Hewlett-Packard hopes to extend the reach of its printing and imaging div=
ision, which rang up $20 billion in sales this year. Driven by a Higher C=
alling, Not Dot-Com Dollars The collapse of countless e-commerce ventures=
in 2001 may have prompted many to dismiss the Internet as a viable eco=
nomic platform, but it certainly remains vital as a creative medium. M=
ORE TECHNOLOGY NEWS POLITICS Wartime Forges a Unified Front for Bush Aid=
es Crisis and war have reshaped the president's foreign policy advisers in=
to a focused group whose muscular tone has matched the unforeseen emergency=
. Even Without a Stimulus Plan, the Outlook Brightens Gail D. Fosler, ch=
ief economist at the Conference Board, spoke about the stimulus package in =
Congress and the economic outlook. Bush Wants More Funding for Domestic S=
ecurity President Bush plans to propose significant increases in spending =
on domestic U.S. security in his next budget, according to administration o=
fficials. MORE POLITICS NEWS SPORTS Jets Creep Closer to the Playoff=
s The Jets did not so much surge toward the playoffs as they staggered i=
n that direction with their win over the Colts on Sunday night. Giants Su=
rvive With Another Rally A 7-yard touchdown pass with 20 seconds left capp=
ed a rally that gave the Giants a win over Seattle and kept their playoff h=
opes alive. Tampa Bay Buries New Orleans Tampa Bay took a big step towar=
d the playoffs with a rout of New Orleans. The Bucs now lead the Saints in =
the race for the final N.F.C. wild-card spot. MORE SPORTS NEWS ARTS =
Inheriting an Uneasy Truce Between Art and Government When Michael Hammond=
assumes the helm of the National Endowment for the Arts he will find hi=
mself in the historically stormy relationship between the arts and govern=
ment. Trading Police Forensics for Writer's Life on 'C.S.I.' Elizabeth D=
evine, a crime scene investigator with the Los Angeles County Sheriff's D=
epartment for 15 years, left her job to become a writer on the CBS drama "=
C.S.I." The Quest of 'The Ring': Draw Novices, Not Just Fans The creator=
s of "The Lord of the Rings" have sought to please both fervent fans of Tol=
kien's work and those unfamiliar with his mythic world. MORE ARTS NEWS =
NY REGION Pataki Rethinks Promise of a Pay Raise for Lawyers to the Indi=
gent Gov. George E. Pataki, who promised nearly a year ago to increase pay=
for lawyers who represent the poor, is reconsidering that pledge because o=
f new budget deficits. A Stay-at-Home Public Is Only the Latest Worry for=
Travel Agents Some forecasters are warning that waves of failures, bankru=
ptcies and layoffs are about to sweep through the travel agent industry. =
Toms River Still Asking a Question: `Why Us?' The results of a six-year, $=
10 million study into the high childhood cancer rate in Toms River, N.J., h=
ave left residents on an emotional fence. MORE NY REGION NEWS OP-ED =
Christmas Dinner for 1,000 By BOB HERBERT The operators of the soup kit=
chen at the Church of the Holy Apostles on Ninth Avenue will try to make =
today, Christmas Eve, a little special for the people who show up for a me=
al. Threat of National ID By WILLIAM SAFIRE Fear of terrorism has plac=
ed Americans in danger of trading our "right to be let alone" for the fals=
e sense of security of a national identification card. Betrayed by the =
White House By IRIS CHANG Our leaders in Washington must not be permitt=
ed to sell out the American servicemen used as slave labor in Japan during =
World War II who gave so much in the fight for freedom. MORE OP-ED NE=
WS Contribute to The Neediest Cases Fund Make an online donation this Ho=
liday Season to The New York Times Neediest Cases Fund to help thousands of=
people. Donate now About This E-Mail You received these headlines bec=
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